Town of Sokhumi - District of Sokhumi

Town of Sokhumi


Residents of Sokhumi (1148 persons, 448 women, 700

men, Age: from 7 to 103)

Out of 1148 persons 72 were tortured to death through

burning alive, hanging, jugulating, running over by an armed

vehicle, cutting off fi ngers and ears, a pregnant woman was

tortured to death, more than 50 persons died on a Chuberi

Pass, more than 50 persons died in bombing of the town,

others were shot and killed.




1. Abashidze Gulnara (F) - Home Address:,#37/21 Nozadze str.

was killed after being tortured on the 17th of March of 1993.

2. Ablotia Gigla (M) - 49 years old, Home Address: #19/34 Kvaratskhelia str. was shot on the 30th of September of 1993.

3. Ablotia Giorgi (Burta) (M) - Address: #20 Qarxnis str. was shot

in the Ordjonikidze Park together with his neighbor Gia Janashia.

4. Abramia Gigla (M) – Home Address: # 70 Kirov str. was killed

after being tortured together with his sisters – Zaira and Eteri on the

27th of September of 1993.

5. Abramia Eter (F) - Home Address: #70 Kirov str. was killed

after being tortured together with his brother Gigla and sister – Zaira

on the 27th of September of 1993.

6. Abramia Zaira (F) – Home Address: #70 Kirov str. was killed

after being tortured together with his brother Gigla and sister – Eteri

on the 27th of September of 1993.

7. Abshilava Kolia (M) - resident of Sokhumi, was killed.

8. Abshilava Raul (M) - 39 year sold, was killed on the 25th of

March of 1993.

9. Abshilava Rezo (M) – Home Address: Zhdanov str. was burnt

alive together with his mother - Valia in his own house.

10. Abshilava Valentina (F) - was shot together with Zhenia

Tkhelia, Didim Tsotsonava and Nadejda Zarqua in her own house

on the 25th of September of 1993.

11. Abshilava Valia (F) – Home Address: Zhdanov str. was burnt

alive in her own house rogether with her son Rezo.

12. Abuladze Beso (M) - was shot.

13. Adamia (Name Unknown) - Home Address: #42 Sanchari

str. was killed on the 14th of December of 1993.

14. Adamia Zurab (M) - 57 years old, Home Address: #11 4th


turning of Eshba str. was shot on the 24th of November of 1994.

15. Adamia-Shelia Ariadna (F) - Home Address: #19/7 Gogol

str. was shot in her own house together with Sergo and Guli Chanturias on the 2nd of October of 1993.

16. Adeishvili Ada (F) - resident of Sokhumi, was killed.

17. Adleiba (Name unknown) – Home Address: was killed in

bombing of the town on the 6th of May of 1993.

18. Agladze Tamar (F) – Home Address: #27 Tbilisi Highway,

died on the Sakeni Pass together with Shaqro Agladze on the 1st of

October of 1993 while forcedely leaving Abkhazia.

19. Agladze Shaqro (M) - died on the Sakeni Pass together with

Tamar Agladze whle forcedely leaving Abkhazia on the 1st of October of 1993.

20. Agumaa-Logizov Remik (M) - 30 years old, Address: Lasuria str. killed in 1994.

21. Akerblon Anatoli (M) - 62 years old,was killed in bombing of

the town on the 3rd of May of 1993.

22. Akhaladze Gia, (M) - was killed.

23. Akhaladze Murtaz (M) - 33 years old, Home old, Address:

#82 Mshvidoba Avenue, was killed in bombing of the town on the 7th

of June of 1993.

24. Akhalaia Elene (F) - 88 years old, Home Address: Agrba str.

was shot in her own house in March of 1993.

25. Akhalaia Karlo (M) - Home Address: #63 Batumi str. was

shot in his own house on the 28th of September of 1993.

26. Akhalaia Khuta (M) - 70 years old, Home Address: #25 Gogol str. a journalist, was shot.

27. Akhalaia Liana (F) - 50 years old, Home Address: #50 Kvaratskhelia str. was shot together with her husband Gigla Qardava in

January of 1994.

28. Akhalaia Tengiz (M) - 32 years old, was killed in October of 1993.

29. Akhalaia Yuri (M) - 45 years old, Home Address: Batumi str.

was shot in September of 1993.

30. Alabiani Ivane (M) - 53 years old, was killed in bombing of

the town on the 12th of April of 1993.

31. Alania Petre (M) - 67 years old, Home Address: #109 Bagrationi str. was killed.

32. Alexseev Igor (M) - 53 years old, was killed in bombing of

the town on the 4th of January of 1993.

33. Anchabadze Luiza (Djukhu) (M) - 56 years old, Home Address: #11 Ordjonikidze str. was tortured to death and then thrown


into the garbage tank on Home Address: #40 Engels str. was killed

in bobming of the town in July of 1993.

34. Andjaparidze Luiza (F) – Home Address: Ordjonikidze str.

was killed.

35. Andjaparidze Venera (F) - 60 years old, Home Address:

#167 A Kirov str. was killed.

36. Andriushenko Taisia (F) - 65 years old, was killed in bombing of the town on the 9th of May of 1993.

37. Anisimova Violeta (F) - 53 years old, was killed in bombing

of the town on the 23rd of April of 1993.

38. Anisimov Mikheil (M) - was killed in bombing of the town on

the 23rd of April of 1993.

39. Arakhamia-Geperidze (F) - 63 years old, Home Address:

was tortured to death.

40. Arashenidze Z.A. was killed in her own house.

41. Arghvliani Keso (F) – Home Address: #10 Engels str. was

shot in her own house on the 13th of October of 1993.

42. Arghvliani Mose (M) - 75 years old, Home Address: #3

Ochalenko str. was tortured to death.

43. Arghvliani-Gerliani Rita (F) – Home Address: #15 the North

Exit, was killed in Gudauta together with Tamar Qobalia and two

other unknown Georgian women.

44. Aronia Nina (F) – Home Address: #4 the 7th lane of Batumi

str. was killed in bombing of the town on the 4th of January of 1993.

45. Arqania-Qarchava Natela (F) – Home Address: #139 Bagrationi str. was shot together with her husband Vaja Qarchava on the

8th of October of 1993.

46. Arzumanian Ashot (M) - 4 years old, was killed in bobming

of the town on the 6th of June of 1993.

47. Aqubardia Shota (M) - was kille Home Address: Bagrationi

str. was shot at the begginning of October of 1993.

48. Asaturian Gevork (M) - 18 years old, was killed in bombing

of the town on the 14th of May of 1993.

49. Aseev Vadim (M) - was killed by a sharp shooter on the 1st

of April of 1993.

50. Asmakhova Tatiana (F) - 60 years old, was killed in bombing

of the town on the 7th of March of 1993.

51. Avalishvili (Avaliani) Makhvala (F) - 53 years old, Home

Address: #1 the 2nd turning of Titov str. was shot in her own house

on the 14th of January of 1995.

52. Avtandilov Yuri (M) - 62 years old, Home Address: #7 Le-


snaia str. was shot on the 28th of September of 1993.

53. Babluani Nikoloz (M) - 42 years old, Home Address: the 2nd

Turning of Semerdjiev str. was shot in his own car.

54. Bagatelia Zaur (M) – Home Address: Nagornaia str. Abkhzian by nationality, was killed for helping Georgians.

55. Baghaturia Boris (M) - 65 years old, Home Address: #57

Baratashvili str. was burnt alive together with Guram and Clara Khoravas on the 27th of September of 1993.

56. Baghaturia Djvandi (M) - 60 years old, was killed.

57. Baghaturia Emzar (M) - 59 years old, was killed.

58. Baghaturia Galaqtion (M) - 71 years old, Home Address:

Cheluskin str. was tortured to death on the 30th of October of 1993 –

was repeatedly wounded by a knife.

59. Baghaturia Gocha (M) - 30 years old, was killed in bombing

of the town on the 16th of April of 1993.

60. Baghaturia Lali (F) - 41 years old, Home Address: Timiriazev str. was killed.

61. Baghaturia Mogeli (M) - 48 years old, Home Address: #27

second Gvirabis str. was killed in bombing the town on the 22nd of

April of 1993.

62. Baghaturia Tamar (F) - 51 years old, Home Address: #38

Chukbar str.was shot together with her son Giorgi Djalaghonia.

63. Baghaturia Tengo (M) - was killed on the 29th of September

of 1993.

64. Baghishvili Edem (M) - 48 years old, was burnt alive in his

own house.

65. Bakradze Guram (M) - was killed.

66. Bakradze Shaqro (M) - was killed.

67. Bakuradze Shalva (M) – Home Address: #16, 5th Lane of Gelovani str. was killed in bombing of the town on the 21st of May of 1993.

68. Baramia Akaki (M) - Home Address: #3 Kiarazi str. ap.#26

was shot together with Lamara Chaava on the 27th of July of 1993.

69. Baramia Alexandre (M) - 66 years old, Home Address: #17

Khazbegi str. was killed on the 29th of October of 1993 in the village

Achadara in his own cottege together with his wife Medea Sichinava

and their guest poet Eter Samkharadze - Djghamadze.

70. Baramia Kote (M) - 65 years old, was killed.

71. Baramia Lamara (F) - (Her husband Amiran Kuchava was

killed in August of 1994), 63 years old, was tortured to death in 1995.

72. Baramia Vakhtang (M) - 24 years old, was killed.

73. Bargandjia-Gabunia Galina (F) - 63 years old, was killed on


the 1st of April of 1994.

74. Barilo Alexandre (M) - 46 years old, Home Address: #6 Oqtomberi str. was shot in his own house on the 27th of March of 1996.

75. Barkalaia (Name unknown), was killed.

76. Barkalaia Giorgi (M) - 60 years old, was killed on the 25th of

September of 1993.

77. Barkalaia Khuta (M) - 65 years old, Home Address: Lasuria

str. was killed in September of 1993.

78. Barkalaia Otar (M) - 55 years old, Home Address: 10th turning of the Bzip str. (at the 12th secondary school), was killed on the

28th of September of 1993.

79. Barkalaia Shota (M) - 70 years old, was killed.

80. Baslandze Lamara (F) - Home Address: Gulia str. was kille

din bombing of the town on the 31st of December of 1993.

81. Batonishvili Ludmila (F) - 52 years old, was killed by a

sharp shooter on the 29th of October of 1992.

82. Bebia Alexandre (M) - 47 years old, was killed in bombing of

the town on the 5th of June of 1993.

83. Bebia Bochia (M) - 52 years old, was killed in bombing of the

town on the 5th of June of 1993.

84. Bebia Gocha (M) - 7 years old, was killed.

85. Bebia Nunu (F) - 62 years old, Home Address: #15/45 Tbilisi

Highway, was killed in the village Zemo Pshavi in October of 1994.

86. Bebia Sergo (M) - 56 years old, Home Address: #20/16 Arguni str. was taken captive and shot on the 2nd of October of 1993.

87. Bebia Valeri (M) - was killed on the 16th of October of 1993.

88. Belorusov Oleg (M) - Home Address: Lacoba str. was killed

together with his mother Inga Kruglova in October of 1993.

89. Belqania Djani (M) - 50 years old, Home Address: #7 Komkavshiris str. died on the Chuberi Pass, while forcedely leaving Abkhazia in October of 1993.

90. Belqania Sergo (M) – Home Address: #28 Vagzlis str. was

killed in his own house on the 11th of October of 1993.

91. Beltadze Aneta (F) - 99 years old, Home Address: Chodrishvili str. was killed.

92. Bendeliani Akaki (M) - 66 years old, was killed.

93. Bendeliani Boris (M) - was killed.

94. Bendeliani Djibilo (M) – Home Address: #4 Pirveli Podgornaia str. was killed in his own house on the 29th of September of 1993.

95. Bendeliani Gogi (M) - was killed.

96. Bendeliani Lavrenti (M) - 79 years old, Home Address: #69 Oc-


tomberi str. was shot in his own house on the 28th of September of 1993.

97. Bendeliani Vera (F) - 66 years old, Home Address: Maiakovski str. was killed in her own fl at together with her neighbors.

98. Benidze Emzar (M) - 45 years old, Home Address: Batumi

str. was shot during taking of Sokhumi.

99. Benidze Maria (F) – Home Address: #20/232 Ladaria str.

was shot in her own house on the 30th of September of 1993.

100. Benidze Vladimer (M) – Home Address: #8 Leselidze str.

was shot in his own house on the 27th of September of 1993.

101. Beradze Zurab (M) - 52 years old, Home Address: #57 Ordjonikidze str. was shot.

102. Beria Bela (F) - was killed.

103. Beria Giorgi (M) - 60 years old, was killed.

104. Beridze Zaira (F) - was killed.

105. Berulava Badri (M) - was killed.

106. Berulava Giorgi (M) - was killed.

107. Berulava Gulnara (F) - was killed.

108. Berulava Jemal (M) - was shot on the 29th of September of

1993 together with Maro Tsotsoria, Devdariani, Jemal Dikhamindjia

and Anatoli Kobakhidze. Altogether 26 people were shot.

109. Berulava Mamuli (M) - was shot together with Bidzina Pangani.

110. Berulava Valeri (M) - 30 years old, was killed in bombing

of the town.

111. Berulava-Gakhokidze Ekaterine (F) - 78 years old, Home

Address: #24 Chvchavadze str. was tortured to death in Gudauta on

the 12th of February of 1994.

112. Beselia Mzia (F) - was killed in bombing of the town.

113. Betashvili Djumber (M) - 55 years old, Home Address: #60

Qlukhoris str. was shot on the 27th of September of 1993.

114. Bezdenidze Kakha (M) - 12 years old, was killed in bombing of the town on the 24th of June of 1993.

115. Bigvava Archil (M) - 77 year sold, Address: #404 Bzipi

Highway, was killed in bombing of the town on the 24th of September of 1993.

116. Bigvava Givi (M) - 49 years old, was killed.

117. Birkaia (Ksenia (Lusha) (F) - 69 years old, Home Address:

#196 Bzip Highway was shot in her own house on the 29th of September of 1993.

118. Birkaia Rezo (M) - was killed.

119. Birkaia Tatiana (F) – Home Address: #216 Bzipi str. was

shot in her own house in October of 1993.


120. Birkaia Titiko (M) - 63 years old, Home Address: #196 Bzip

Highway, was shot in his own house on the 29th of October of 1993.

121. Birkaia Vladimer (M) – Home Address: #21 Titov str. was

shot in his own house on the 27th of October of 1993.

122. Blikashvili Lali (F) - 43 years old, Home Address: #5/31

Kartozia str. was shot.

123. Bliznichenko Vladimer (M) - 59 years old, was killed in

bobming of the town on the 6th of May of 1993.

124. Bobokhidze Ghughuni (M) - 34 years old, was shot.

125. Bobokhidze Shota (M) - 50 years old, was shot in his own


126. Bochorishvili Zuri (M) - was shot in his own house together with Zurab Dzidziguri.

127. Bokuchava Shota (M) - 60 years old, Home Address: #144

Mshvidoba Avenue, died on the Chuberi Pass whle forcedely leaving Abkhazia on the 1st of October of 1993.

128. Boldish Julieta (F) - 29 years old, was killed in bobming of

the town.

129. Buadze Sergo (M) – Home Address: #72 Gelovani str. was

shot in his own house on the 29th of December of 1993.

130. Buadze Djambul (M) – Home Address: #17 Eshba str.the 3rd

turning, was shot in his own house on the 26th of September of 1993.

131. Buashvili Malkhaz (M) - was killed.

132. Bulia Jemal (M) - was killed.

133. Buriazina-Gogia Tsisana (F) - 40 years old, Home Address: #193 Eshba str. was shot together with her husband Jemal

and son Tengiz on the 26th of September of 1993.

134. Bzhania Levan (M) - was killed.

135. Chaava Lamara (F) - Home Address : #3 Kiaraz str. ap. #

26 was shot together with Akaki Baramia on the 27th of July of 1993.

136. Chabrava Vladimer (M) - 73 years old, Home Address: #86

Gelovani str. was shot in his own house on the 15th of February of 1994.

137. Chabrava Ladiko (M) - was shot

138. Chachanidze Givi (M) - was shot.

139. Chachanidze Mediko (F) - was shot.

140. Chachua Tamaz (M) - was shot.

141. Chachia Gulad (M) – Home Address: #4 Chanba str. was

shot on the 3rd of December of 1993.

142. Chachkhiani Avto (M) - was killed in August of 1993.

143. Chagunava Murtaz (M) - was killed on the 3rd of June of 1993.

144. Chagunava Rima (F) – Home Address: #254 Mshvidoba Av-


enue, was killed in bombing of the town on the 25th of January of 1993.

145. Chakrani, was killed in bombing of the town on the 17th of

August of 1992.

146. Chaligava Vano (M) - was killed in bombing of the town on

the 9th of May of 1993.

147. Chalkov Aleko (M) - was shot.

148. Chantaria Amiran (M) – Home Address: #124 Kirov str.

was killed on the 26th of September of 1993.

149. Chantladze Irakli (M) - was killed at the river Tamish.

150. Chanturia Guli (F) - 52 years old, Home Address: #14

Mshvidoba Avenue,was shot together with her husband Sergo and

Neighbor Ariadna Shelia – Adamia on the 22nd of October of 1993.

151. Chanturia Rusudan (F) - 33 years old, Home Address: #24

Nozadze str. ap. #3, was killed in bobming of the town on the 2nd of

July of 1993.

152. Chanturia Sergo (M) - Home Address: #14 Msvidoba Avenue, was shot together with his wife Guli and his neighbor Ariadna


153. Chanturia Vera (F) - was tortured to death through jugulating.

154. Chanturidze Sergo (M) - 61 years old, Home ddress: #3

LUdis qarxnis str. the I turning, was shot on the 7th of October of 1993.

155. Chapanidze Manana (M) - 29 years old,was killed by a

sharp shooter on the 5th of September of 1992.

156. Charaia Nodar (M) – Home Address: N40 Agumaa str. was

killed in bombing of the town on the 3rd of December of 1993.

157. Chargazia Nadejda (F) – Home Address; # 104 Semerdjiev

str. was shot in her own house on the 9th of March of 1993.

158. Chargelishvili Eteri (F) - 57 years old, Home Address: #27

Gvirabis str. was shot together with Ilia Gogia on the 27th of September of 1993.

159. Chartia Mitusha (M) - Home Address: #89 Cheluskinelebi

str. was shot in his own house on the 2nd of October of 1993.

160. Chartia Nodar (M) – Home Address: #1 Kukhaleishvili str.

was shot in his own house on the 27th of September of 1993.

161. Chavchavadze Guram (M) - 76 years old, Home Address:

#23a Dzerjinski str. was shot at the river Ghalidzga on the 10th of

October of 1993.

162. Chavchanidze Nadejda (F) – Home Address: #9 Dzerjinski

str. was killed in bobming of the town on the 25th of May of 1993.

163. Chelidze Givi (M) - 60 years old, was shot.

164. Chelidze Nugzar (M) - 66 years old, was killed in his own


house on the 28th of September of 1993.

165. Chelidze Revaz (M) - 67 years old, Home Address: #17 Tbilisi Highway, was tortured to death on the 28th of September fo 1993.

166. Chelidze Vakhtang(M) - was shot.

167. Chemia Shamil (M) - 50 years old, was killed in bombing of

the town on the 5t hof June of 1993.

168. Cheminava Vladimer (M) - 59 years old, Home Address:

#4/54 Kiarazi str. on the 30th of September of 1993 died on the Chuberi Pass, while forcedely leaving Abkhazia.

169. Cherkezia Laura (F) - 31 years old, was killed in bombing

of the town on the 18th of February of 1993.

170. Cherkezia Nestor (M) - 55 years old, was killed in bombing

of the town on the 29th of September of 1993.

171. Chernovi Igori (M) - 36 years old,was killed in bombing of

the town on the 8th of January of 1993.

172. Chernovi Stanislav (M) - 32 years old, (of Russian nationality – was brought up by mother Eter Naroushvili), Home Address:

the III turning of Bagrationi str. was shot on the 29th of September

of 1993.

173. Chibigina Marina (F) - 67 years old, Home Address: Eshba

str. was burnt alive together with Olga Uberia on the 4th of October

of 1994.

174. Chichinava Ioseb (M) – Home Address: #11 Kartozia str.

was shot together with his wife Natela Mandaria on the 28th of September of 1993.

175. Chichitarashvili Hamlet (M) - 47 years old, was killed in

bombing of the town on the 22nd of July of 1993.

176. Chikhladze Nina (F) - 75 years old, Home Address: #104

Lacoba str. ap.#39, was tortured to death in 1994.

177. Chikobava Valentina (F) – Home Address: #22 Depo str.

was shot in her own house on the 5th of October of 1993.

178. Chikovani Zurab (M) - was shot.

179. Chikviladze Alexandre (M) - 43 years old, Home Address:

#1 Kiaraz str. ap.#50, was shot.

180. Chilaia Lola (F) - was shot together with her husband

Nikoloz and Nodar Ugulava on the 12th of October of 1993.

181. Chilaia Nikoloz (M) - was shot together with his wife Lola

and Nodar Ugulava on the 12th of October of 1993.

182. Chistikina Tamara (F) - 58 years old, Home Address: #82

Nozadze str. ap.#34, was tortured to death.

183. Chitaia Tamar (F) – Home Address: # 3 Gumista str. was


shot in October of 1993.

184. Chitaia Zurab (M) - 38 years old, Home Address: Dzidzaria

str. was shot at the school of the village Iashtukha.

185. Chitanava Nina (F) - 75 years old, was killed in her own

house in March of 1994.

186. Chitanava Reno (M) - was shot.

187. Chkaberidze Medea (F) - 58 years old, Home Address:

Titov str. was shot in her own hosue on the 14th of January of 1995.

188. Chkadua (Name unknown), was killed in his/her own

house on the 27th of September of 1993.

189. Chkadua Firuz (M) - 40 years old, was killed at the Dranda prison.

190. Chkadua Giorgi (M) - 55 years old, was shot by a sharpshooter.

191. Chkheidze Shota (M) - was shot.

192. Chkhemzani Omar (M) - 21 years old, was killed in bombing of the town on the 24th of April of 1993.

193. Chkhenkeli Giorgi (Zhora) (M) - 65 years old, Home Address: N 62 Tarkhnishvili str. was shot together with his son Nugzar,

wife Albina and mother-in-law Babulia Shlater on the 27th of September of 1993.

194. Chkhenkeli Karlo (M) - 65 years old, professor, Home Address: #36 Frunze str. ap.# 20, was tortured to death on the 27th of

September of 1993.

195. Chkhenkeli Nugzar (M) - 35 years old, Home Address: #62

Tarkhnishvili str. was shot together with his parents – Albina and Giorgi and grandmother Babulia Shlater on the 27th of September of 1993.

196. Chkhetia Neli (F) – Home Address: #15 Gulia str. was at

her sister Natela Sharia’s place, where bothe of them were shot on

the 29th of September of 1993.

197. Chkhetiani Domenti (M) – Home Address: #12 Miminoshvili str. was killed in bombing of the town in March of 1993.

198. Chkhonia – Djodjua Dunia (F) – Home Address: #96

Khazbegi str. was shot in her own house on the 29th of September

of 1993.

199. Chokhonelidze Nugzar (M) - was shot in October of 1993.

200. Chulpa Ivane (M) - 65 years old, was killed in bombing fo

the town on the 10th of April of 1993.

201. Chulpa Khrisuli (F) - 61 years old, was killed in bombing of

the town on the 12th of April of 1993.

202. Chumburidze Bichiko (M) - was shot together with his son

Djaniko on the 27th of September of 1993.


203. Chumburidze Djaniko (M) - was shot in his own house

together with his Father Bichiko on the 27th of September of 1993.

204. Churghulia Dimitri (M) - was shot on the 27th of September

of 1993.

205. Churghulia Tariel (M) - 66 years old, a doctor, Home Address: #45 Tbilsii Highway, was shot in his own house on the 27th of

September of 1993.

206. Dadiani (name unknown) - 62 years old, was killed.

207. Dadiania Tamar (F) – Home Address” #10a/19 Arguni str.

died in boming of the town on the 29th of December of 1992.

208. Dadiani Otar (M) - 67 years old, Home Address: #3 Khzaria

str. was shot together with his wife Lamara Khaburzania.

209. Dalieva Sida (F) - was shot.

210. Damenia Giorgi (M) - 65 years old, Home Address: #8

Mataradze str. died in bombing fo the town in March of 1993.

211. Danelia Dunia (F) - was killed.

212. Danelia Igor (M) - 18 years old, was killed.

213. Danelia Zaur (M) - 48 years old, Home Address; #35 Chanba str. was brutally killed on the 9th of February of 1994.

214. Danelia Zelimkhan (M) - 62 years old, Home Address:

#71/11 Octomberi str. was shot together with his mother-in-law Tinatin Mindjia.

215. Darsalia (Roman’s nephew) – Home Address: #48 Karl

Marx str. was shot together with his uncle on the 28th of September

of 1993.

216. Darsalia (name unknown), was killed.

217. Darsalia Roman (M) - 48 years old, Home Address: #48

Karl Marx str. was shot together with his nephew in Gulripsh on the

28th of September of 1993.

218. Dartsmelia Djimsher (M) - was shot on the 29th of September of 1993.

219. Devdariani (Name unknown), was shot together with Maro

Tsortsoria, Jemal Dikhamindjia, Jemal Berulava and others (altogether 26 persons) on the 29th of September of 1993.

220. Dgebuadze Nikoloz (M) - Home Address: #36 Cheluskinelebi str. was shot in his own house on the 28th of September of 1993.

221. Dgebuadze Nino (F) - 60 years old,Home Address: #109

Shervashidze str. was killed on the 18th of August of 1993.

222. Dgebuadze Shalva (M) - Home Address: #75 app. 7, Kiarazi str. was shot in his own house on the 25th of September of 1993.

223. Dikhamindjia Jemal (M) - 75 years old, was shot together


with Maro Tsotsoria, Devdariani, Jemal Berulava and others on the

29th of September of 1993.

224. Dikhamindjia Venera (F) - was shot on her own house on

the 2nd of October of 1993.

225. Djghamadze Anton (Khuta) (M) - 74 years old, Home Address: #17 Khazbegi str. was shot in his own house, on the 28th of

September of 1993. His wife Eter Samkharadze - Djghamadze was

shot together with Medea and Bichiko Baramias on the 29th of September of 1993.

226. Djghamadze Shota (M) - 71 years old, a doctor, Home Address: #6/55 Agrba str. was shot on the 29th of September of 1993.

227. Djachvliani Nona (F) - Home Address: the 8th turning #39

Bzipi str. Was killed in 1993.

228. Djachvliani Rusudan (F) – Home Address: died in bombing of the town on the 8th of February of 1993.

229. Djakhaia Omar (M) - 54 years old, resident of Sokhumi,

was shot.

230. Djakhia Gia (M) - 18 years old, died in bombing of the town

on the 17th of February of 1993.

231. Djakhua Nikoloz (M) - 59 years old,was shot.

232. Djalaghonia Giorgi (M) - 28 years old, Home Address: #38

Chukbari str. was shot together with his Mother Tamar Baghaturia.

233. Djalaghonia Dinara (F) - Home Address: #27 Karl Marx str.

was shot in her own house together with Emzar Djgharkava on the

25th of September of 1993.

234. Djalaghonia Vladimer (Pupu) (M) - Home Address: #20 Poineris str. was shot in his own house on the 27th of September of 1993.

235. Djandjghava Alexsi (M) - 81 years old, Home Address: #33

Djguburia str. was shot together with his wife Venera Dikhamindjia.

236. Djandjghava Venera (F) - 70 years old, was shot.

237. Djaparidze Laura (F) - 37 years old, Home Address: #57

Shervashidze str. was shot in the village Pshapi on the 30th of September of 1993.

238. Djaparidze Madlena (F) - 67 years old, was shot at the river

Gumista on the 17th of July of 1994.

239. Djgerenaia Roland (M) - 47 years old, was killed.

240. Djedjelava Amiran (M) - 60 years old, Home Address: #41

Kuibishev str. was shot in the village Tsebelda together with his wife

Babutsa Sanaia in 1993.

241. Djedjelava Dodo (F) - 37 years old, died in bombing of the

town on the 16th of April of 1993.


242. Djedjelava Leonid (M) - 63 years old, Home Address: #24

Chohua ap.#18, was tortured to death on the 27th of September of 1993.

243. Djedjelava Zurab (M) - 28 years old, died in bombing of the

town on the 7th of November of 1992.

244. Djibladze Vakhtang (M) – Home Address: #37/21 Dzrezhinski str. was shot together with his 15 years old son.

245. Djibladze, Vakhtang’s son (Name unknown) - 15 years

old, Home Address: #37/21 Dzerzhinski str. was shot together with

his Father.

246. Djimsheleishvili Babutsa (F) - 58 years old, Home Address: Gochua str. was shot in Mzia Izoria’s house together with

Mzia Izoria and 5 more Georgians.

247. Djimsheleishvili Rezo (M) - 50 years old, Home Address:

#22 Gochua str. was burnt in his car together with his wife on the

27th of September of 1993.

248. Djimsheleishvili (Rezo’s wife, name unknown), Home

Address; #22 Gochua str. was burnt in the car together with her

husband Rezo.

249. Djindjolia Julieta (F) - 35 years old, died in bombing of the

town on the 11th of May of 1993.

250. Djinoria NIkoloz (M) - 79 years old, Home Address: #58

Khazbegi str. was shot in his own house together with his wife Luba

Mirtskhulava in September of 1993.

251. Djmukhadze Nino (F) – Home Address; #7,Kiarazi str. ap.

#104, was killed on the 27th of September of 1993.

252. Djmukhadze Roman (M) – Home Address: #7 Kiarazi str.

ap.#104, was shot in his own house on the 27th of September of


253. Djolia Nugzar (M) – Home Address:#18 Samsheneblo str.

was shot on the 27th of September of 1993.

254. Djodjua Luna (F) – Home Address: #27 Khazbegi str. was

shot on the 29th of September of 1993.

255. Djordjikia Vakhtang (M) - 54 years old, Home Address: #186

Mshvidoba Avenue,ap.#40, was shot on the 28th of September of 1993.

256. Djugheli Dimitri (M) – Home Address: #16 Bagrationi str.

was shot in his own house on the 27th of September of 1993.

257. Donghadze Natela (F) - 66 years old, Home Address:

Emukhvari str. died on the Chuberi Pass while forcedely leaving Abkhazia on the 3rd of Ocotber of 1993.

258. Dotsenko Nikoloz (M) - 69 years old,died in bombing of the

town on the 25th of June of 1993.


259. Dubrovskaia Marina (F) - died im boming of the town on

the 25th of June of 1993.

260. Dugladze Ana (F) – Home Address: #19 Sadovaia str. died

in bombing of the town on the 23rd of September of 1993.

261. Dvalakhadze Irakli (M) - 27 years old, died in bombing of

the town on the 31st of May of 1993.

262. Dvali (Name unknown), 54 years old, was shot in his/her

own house.

263. Dzagania Minadora (F) - 68 years old, was killed in bombing of the town.

264. Dzaria Tatusha (F) - was shot.

265. Dzadzamia Vladimer (M) - 73 years old, Home Address: #

125 Kuibishev str. was shot in his own house on the 27th of September of 1993.

266. Dzadzamia Kolia (M) - 75 years old,was shot.

267. Dzhgharkava Emzar (M) – Home Address: #27 Karl Marx

str. was shot together with his wife Dinara Djalaghonia on the 25th of

September of 1993.

268. Dzhgharkava Jemal (M) - 55 years old, Home Address: #3

Zarechnaia str. was shot in his own house.

269. Dzagania Demur (M) - Home Address: #10 Kvaratskhelia str.

ap. #40, was shot in his own house on the 29th of December of 1993.

270. Dzhgharkava Leo (M) – Home Address: #8 Podgornaia str.

was shot in his own house on the 27th of September of 1993.

271. Dzhgharkava Mikheil (M) - 50 years sold, Home Address:

#27 Karl Marx str. was shot together with his son Murtaz.

272. Dzhgharkava Murtaz (M) – Home Address: #27 Karl Marx

str. was shot together with his father Mikheil.

273. Dzimistarashvili, 68 years old,wasGochua str.shot.

274. Dzidzaria Bedeli (M) - was shot.

275. Dzidzaria Valentina (F) – Home Address: #36 Esher str.

ap. #27, was shot in the Fall of 1993.

276. Dzidziguri Tengiz (M) - Home Address: # 370 Bzipi Highway, was shot in February of 1993.

277. Dzidziguri Zurab (M) - 45 years old, was at Zurab Bochorishvili’s place, where was killed together with the owner of the house.

278. Dzotsenidze (Name unknown), 20 years old, was shot.

279. Dzotsenidze Amiran (M) - 45 years old, Home Address:

#40 Sadguris str. was shot together with his sons - Givi and Zaza on

the 25th of September of 1993. His neighbor Badri Turkia was forced

to dig up a grave for them and afterwards that latter was also shot.


280. Dzotsenidze Givi (M) - 22 years old, Home Address: #40

Sadguris str. was shot together with his Father Amiran and brother

Zaza on the 25th of September of 1993. His neighbor Badri Turkia

was forced to dig up a grave for them and afterwards that latter was

also shot.

281. Dzotsenidze Zaza (M) - 19 years old, Home Address: #40

Sadguris str. was shot together with his Father Amiran and brother

Givi on the 25th of September of 1993. His neighbor Badri Turkia

was forced to dig up a grave for them and afterwards that latter was

also shot.

282. Edjibia - Kvirkvelia Lana (F) - 43 years old, died in bombing of the town on the 21st of Ocotober of 1992.

283. Eldarashvili Giorgi (M) – Home Address: # 54 Gulia str.

died in bombing fo the town on the 31st of December of 1993.

284. Elerdashvili Gogi (M) - 70 years old, Home Address:

Chavchavadze str. died together with his wife Lamara and daughterin-law Shengelia in bombing of the town in 1993.

285. Elerdashvili Lamara (F) - 60 years old, died together with

her husband Gogi and daughter - in-law Shengelia in bombing of

the town in 1993.

286. Elerdashvili Omar (M) - 54 years old, an artists, committed

a suicide when was informed about the death of his soldier son –


287. Elerdashvili - Shengelia, 30 years old,died in bombing of

the town together with mother in-law and father –in –law (Elerdashvilis) in 1993.

288. Eliava Tamaz (M) - 30 years old,was killed at the Railway

Station on the 16th of September of 1993.

289. Eliava Vladimer (M) – Home Address: #3 Mshvidoba Avenue, was shot in his own house on the 25th of September of 1993.

290. Emukhvari Giorgi (M) – Home Address: #10 Arguni str. ap.

#19, died in bombing of the town on the 29th fo December of 1992

together with his father Levan.

291. Emukhvari Levan (M) – Home Address: #10 Arguni str. ap.

#19, died in bombing of the town on the 29th of December of 1992

together with his son Giorgi.

292. Emukhvari Nikoloz (M) - 64 years old, Home Address: Msvidoba Avenue, Abkhazian by nationality, was shot on the 31st of

December of 1994.

293. Epikchiani Ramzik (M) - was shot.

294. Ermilova Vera (F) - 83 years old, was killed on the 8th of


March of 1993.

295. Esakia Zviad (M) - 40 years old,was shot in his own house

on the 1st of October of 1993.

296. Eqimiani Vera (F) - died in boming of the town on the 20th

of December of 1993.

297. Esebua-Papaskiri Angelina (F) – Home Address: #17 Semerjiev str. was shot in her own house on the 28th of September of 1993.

298. Ezukhbaia Djumber (M) - 43 years old, tripped the mine

laid by the occupants.

299. Ezukhbaia Petre (M) - Home Address: #26 Agumaa str.

was shot in his own house on the 30th of December of 1993.

300. Feldman Boris (M) - 50 years old,was killed on the 15th of

August of 1992.

301. Gabedava Liana (F) - 21 years old, Home Address: #1 the I

lane of the Ochalenko str. was shot together with her Mother Natela


302. Gabelia Amiran (M) - 60 years old, was killed.

303. Gabiskiria Giorgi (M) - 70 years old, Home Address: #13

Kukhaleishvili str. was tortured to death on the 27th of September of

1993 – he was beheaded.

304. Mother-in-law of Gabiskiria Gugu (Name is Unknown),

80 years old, resident of Sokhumi, was raped and tortured to death.

305. Gabiskiria Guram (M) - Mayor of Sokhumi, was shot on the

27th of September of 1993.

306. Gabiskiria Shota (M) - was tortured to death – he was jugulated.

307. Gabisonia Irakli (M) - 17 years old, Home Address: #77

Karl Marx str, died in bombing of the town on the 15th of July of 1993.

308. Gabisonia Vladimer (M) – Home Address: #31 Gulia str.

Was shot in his own house on the 28th of September of 1993.

309. Gabrava Lamzira (F) - 26 years old, Home Address: #2,

the 10th Lane of Dzidzaria str. was shot on the 27th of September

of 1993 in his neighbor’s basement together with the owner of the

house – a Kiria,mother Natela Topuria and 6 other neighbors. Their

dead bodies were burnt.

310. Gabrava Lena (F) – Home Address: #21 Pachulia str. was

shot in October of 1994.

311. Gabrava Mamia (M) - 65 years old, Home Address: #4/4

Djguburia str. was shot in his own house in October of 1994.

312. Gabunia Anatoli (M) - 44 years old, was killed in bobming

of the town on the 1st of April of 1993.


313. Gabunia Apolon (M) - 44 years old, was killed in bobming

of the town on the 1st of April of 1993.

314. Gabunia Arvelodi (M) - Home Address: # 1/8 Dzerjinski str.

was shot in his own house on the 27th of September of 1993.

315. Gabunia Grigori (M) - 90 years old, was killed in bombing

fo the town on the 1st of April of 1993.

316. Gabunia Indiko (M) - Home Address: #11 Tavadze str. was

shot in his own house on the 27th of September of 1993.

317. Gabunia Shura (F) - 60 years old, was killed.

318. Gabunia Teimuraz (M) - 42 years old, Home Address: #18

Gvirabi st. Was killed by the separatists of November of 1992.

319. Gachechiladze Ramaz (M) - 25 years old, Home Address:

Nozadze str. was shot.

320. Gagiladze Revaz (M) – Home Address: #88 Batumi str. was

killed in bombing of the town on together with his Father on the 27th

of September of 1993.

321. Gagiladze Shota (M) – Home Address: #88 Batumi str. was

killed in bombing of the town together with his son Revaz on the 27th

of September of 1993.

322. Gagnidze Shota (M) - 45 years old, Home Address: Eshba

str. was shot on the cemetery on the 15th of Ocotber of 1993.

323. Gagua Giorgi (Zhora) (M) – Home Address: #6, the II Lane

of the Khazbegi str. was shot together with his wife Luba on the 28th

of September of 1993.

324. Gagua Ilia (M) - was shot together with Eter Chargelishvili

on the 27th of September of 1993.

325. Gagua Luba (F) – Home Address: #6, the II Lane of the

Khazbegi str. was shot together with her husband Giorgi on the 28th

of September of 1993.

326. Gagua Margo (F) - was killed in the village Dranda.

327. Gagua Nora (F) - was killed.

328. Gakharia Kote (M) - was killed on the 3rd of October of 1993.

329. Gakharia Tsatsa (F) - 80 years old, Home Address: #16 Chalmaz

str. was shot in her own house on the 29th of November of 1993.

330. Gakharia, 74 years old, Home Address: #17 Tbilisi Highway, was shot.

331. Gakhokidze Valerian (M) – Home Address: #5 the III Highway turning, was killed in bombing of the town on the 5th of June of


332. Gakhokidze Marlen (M) - was taken captive and shot at

the village Tamish on the 7th of October of 1992 together with Gogia


Ramaz and the MP of the Ist call Zviad Nadareishvili. All the three

were shot in Tkhvarcheli on the 13th of October of 1992.

333. Gamisonia Alexi (M) - Address:Chanba str. was killed on

the 31st of December of 2005.

334. Gamisonia Irakli (M) - 65 years old, Home Address: #82

Bzip Highway, was killed on the 14th of October of 1993.

335. Gangia Nana (F) - 61 years old, Home Address: #34/33 Posta str. was killed in bombing of the town on the 5th of August of 1993.

336. Garemanian Liova (M) - 70 years old,was killed in bombing

of the town on the 21st of May of 1993.

337. Gazdeliani Guram (M) - was killed.

338. Gedenidze Tatiana (F) - 50 years old,was killed in bombing

of the town on the 22nd of April of 1993.

339. Gegechkori Otar (M) - 62 years old, Home Address: #14

Pioneris str. was shot on the 29th of September of 1993.

340. Gegelashvili Vakhtang (M) - 56 years old, Home Address:

Marx str. was shot on the 27th of September of 1993.

341. Gegia Ramaz (M) - 30 years old, Home Address: #31 Eshba str. was shot in Tkhvarcheli on the 13th of October of 1992.

342. Geldiashvili Maria (F) – Home Address; #43 Leselidze str.

was killed in bombing of the town on the 1st of March of 1993.

343. Gelenava Sergo (M) - 62 years old,was killed in bombing of

the town on the 3rd of May of 1993.

344. Gergedava Nukri (M) - 17 years old, was tortured and shot

together before the eyes of his Father and Mother Naira Kalandia at

the Kindgha Tea Factory on the 30th of September of 1993.

345. Gersamia Indiko (M) – Home Address: #20/29 Ladaria str.

was killed in September of September of 1993 in his own house,

together with his wife Zinadida (a doctor by profession) and relative

Vera (A doctor by profession).

346. Gersamia Zinaida (F) - (a doctor by profession), Home Address: #20/29 Ladaria str. was killed in September of 1993 in Indiko

Gersamia’s house, together with Indiko and Vera (a doctor by profession).

347. Gigiberia Sima (F) - 35 years old, of Armenian nationality,

was killed for helping Georgians.

348. Gikava Tsiuri (F) - was killed.

349. Ghvindjilia Givi (M) – Home Address: #16 Kharazia str.

was shot in his own house on the 29th of March of 1993.

350. Ghvindjilia Vitali (M) - 18 years old,died in bombing of the

town on the 14th of March of 1993.


351. Ghvindjilia, name unknown, was shot.

352. Gobechia Vladimer (M) - 72 years old, was killed in his own

fl at on the 27th of September of 1993.

353. Gobedjishvili Giorgi (M) - 59 years old, was killed on the

28th of September of 1993.

354. Gobedjishvili Lamara (F) - Home Address: #16/6 Kiaraz

str. was shot in his own house on the 3rd of Ocotober of 1993.

355. Gogava Clara (F) - 45 years old, Home Address: #19 Gogol str. was tortured to death on the 2nd of October of 1993.

355. (1) Gogelashvili Shota, was born in 12th march 1933, railway str #43. In 26-27 november 1993, the soldiers of Bagramian's battalion shot him in his own house.
355. (2) Gogelashvili Vakhtang, 56 years old, st. Marx, Advisor to the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia. On September 27, 1993, together with Zhiuli Shartava and other employees of the apparatus, he was captured and shot.

356. Gogia Aliosha, resident of Sokhumi, was shot.

357. Gogia Ekaterine (F) - 61 years old,was shot on the 3rd of

October of 1993.

358. Gogia Ilia, was shot together with Eter Chargelishvili on the

27th of September of 1993.

359. Gogia Jemal (M) - 47 years old, Home Address; #193 Eshba str. was shot together with his wife Tsisana Buriazina and son

Tengiz on the 26th of September of 1993.

360. Gogia Ramaz (M) - 35 years old, was taken captive at the

village Tamishi on the 7th of September of 1992 and all of them were

shot in Tkhvarcheli on the 13th of October of 1992.

361. Gogia Tengiz (M) - 26 years old, Home Address: #193 Eshba str. was shot together with his parents Jemal and Tsisana Buriazina on the 26th of September of 1993.

362. Gogichaishvili Agra

fi na (F) – Home Address; #12 Aqirtava

str. was shot in her own house on the 26th of June of 1993.

363. Gogilava Adiko (M) – Home Address: #21 Pshapi str. was

shot in his own house on the 28th of September of 1993.

364. Goginava Avtandil Aqvsentis dze, 48 years old, Address:

#46 Chukbari str. was shot in his own house.

365. Gogoberidze Alexandre (M) - died in bombing of the town

in August of 1993.

366. Gogoladze Gela (M) - 28 years old, died in bombing of the

town on the 3rd of January of 1993.

367. Gogoladze Giorgi (M) - was seriously wounded by the occupants on the 12th of September and as a result died on the 27th of

October of 1992.

368. Gogoladze Suliko (M) - on the 14th of March of 1993 tripped

the mine laid by the occupants.

369. Gogokhia Zoia (F) - 60 years od, Home Address: #9 Anchabadze str. was shot in her own house on the 10th of November

of 1993.


370. Gogua Kote (M) - 60 years old, was arrested in Gudauta

and shot together with Tamaz Topuria, Malkhaz and Murtaz Pachkorias on the 15th of August of 1992.

371. Goletiani (Bebia) (F) - was shot together with her 8 year

old grandchild.

372. Goletiani (name unknown), 8 years old, was shot together

with his/her grandmother.

373. Gorozia Sergo Besarionis dze (M) - 83 years old, Home

Address: #148/43 Mshvidoba Avenue, was shot on the 5th of October of 1993.

374. Grcheninchenko Ekaterine (F) - 57 years old,died in

bombing of the town on the 9th of May of 1993.

375. Grigolaia Giorgi (Zhora) (M) - 65 years old, Home Address: #93 Kirov str. was shot in his own house on the 15th of February of 1993.

376. Grigolia Luba (F) - was shot together with her grandmother

Nadejda Kukhaleishvili and father Vladimer on the 27th of September of 1993.

377. Grigolia Vladimer (M) - 85 years old, Home Address: #14

Mataradze str. was shot together with his daughter Luba and mother-in-law Nadejda Kukhaleishvili on the 27th of September of 1993.

378. Gritsai Vladimer (M) - 52 years old, died in bombing of the

town on the 6th of December of 1993.

379. Gubareva Natela (F) - 70 years old, died in bombing of the

town on the 7th of May of 1993.

380. Gudava Qionia (F) – Home Address: #128 Dzidzaria str.

Was burnt alive in her own house.

381. Gugushvili (name unknown), was killed.

382. Gugushvili Natela (F) - 56 years old, Home Address: the

IVth turning of Bagrationi str. was shot at the at the school N7 on the

27th of September of 1993.

383. Guliashvili Varvara (F) - was shot on the 29th of September

of 1993.

384. Gulua Tariel (M) - 58 years old, was killed in the village

Pshapi on the 29th of September of 1993.

385. Gundjua Anton (M) - 41 years old, Home Address: #74

Leselidze turning, was killed together with his mother Tamar on the

28th of September of 1993.

386. Gundjua Tamar (F) - 81 years old, Home Address: #74

Leselidze turning. Was killed together with her son Anton on the 28th

of September of 1993.


387. Gunia Merab (M) – Home Address: #30/34 Tbilisi Highway,

died in a passenger plane – “TU 134” crashed by the occupants on

the 21st of September of 1993.

388. Gurchiani Aliosha (M) - was killed.

389. Gvadzabia Vasil (M) - was killed ner the Sokhumi market


390. Gvakharia Tina (F) -80 years old, Home Address: #114

Shervashidze str. was shot in her own house on the 28th of September of 1993.

391. Gvaramia Zurab (M) - 34 years old,was taken captive together with his wife, sister and a relative a Kakha (27 years old)

Home Address: #123 Komkavshiris highway (was tortured to death

on the 28th of September of 1993.

392. Gvaramia Zurab’s sister (name unknown) was taiken

vaptive together with her brother, sister-in-law and a relative a

Kakha (27 years old) Home Address: #123 Komkavshiris highway

was tortured to death on the 28th of September of 1993.

393. Gvaramia Zurab’s wife (name unknown), was taken captive together with her husband, husband’s sister and a relative a

Kakha(27 years old) Home Address: #123 Komkavshiris highway

was tortured to death on the 28th of September of 1993.

394. Gvaramia Zurab’s relative Kakha (family name unknown), 27 years old, was taken cative in the Home Address: #123

Komkavshiris Highway, was tortured to death together with his relatives – Zurab Gvaramia, Zurab’s wife and sister. on the 28th of September of 1993.

395. Gvasalia (name unknown), Gvasalia Solomon’s wife, 58

years old, Hoemm Address: Tsitrusebis str. was shot together with her

husband Solomon and son Akaki on the 29th of September of 1993.

396. Gvasalia Akaki (M) - 38 years old, Home Address: Tsitrusebis str. was shot together with his Father Solomon and Mother

on the 29th of September of 1993.

397. Gvasalia Clara (F) - 70 years old, was shot.

398. Gvasalia Grigori (M) - was killed.

399. Gvasalia Otar (M) - 61 years old, Address: #41 Djguburia str.

was shot before the his wife’s eyes on the 27th of September of 1993.

400. Gvasalia Solomon (M) - 60 years old,Tsitrusebis str. was

shot together with his wife and son Akaki on the 29th of September

of 1993.

401. Gvasalia Venera (F) – Home Address: #20 the III turning

of the Eshba str. was shot in his own house in December of 1993.


402. Gvatua Tariel (M) - 66 years old,was shot on the 25th of

September of 1993.

403. Gvazava- Ratiani Marina (F) - Home Address: Baratashvili

str. was killed together with her son Victor Ratiani.

404. Gvilava Gigla (M) - 43 years old, Home Address: #6 III

Dzidzaria lane, was shot on the 27th of September of 1993.

405. Gvichiania Elgudja (M) - was shot.

406. Iobidze Vano (M) - 64 years old, Home Address: #14/5

Cheluskinelebis str. was shot.

407. Ioseliani Otar (M) - 68 years old, was killed in his own

house on the 26th fo September of 1993.

408. Izoria-Kalandia Mzia (F) - Home Address: #70 Kirov str.

was shot in her own house together with Babutsa Djimsheleishvili

and 5 other unknow Georgians on the 27th of September fo 1993.

409. Jabua Alexandre (M) - 86 years old, Home Address: #49

Titov str. was tortured to death on the 27th of September of 1993 –

he was multiply wounded by a knife. Together with him were killed

Guram and Zhora Zaqradzes.

410. Jaiani Konstantine (M) – Home Address: #43 Pachulia str.

was shot in his own house on the 26th of September of 1993.

411. Jakonia Nifadora (F) – Home Address: #44 Jikia crossing,

died in bombing of the town on the 4th of December fo 1992.

412. Janashia Gia (M) - 37 years old, Home Addrees:Qarxnis

str. was shot in the park of Ordjonikidze together with his neighbor

Giorgi Ablotia in October of 1993.

413. Janashia Natela (F) - 70 years old, Home Address: Ochalenko str. the I lane was shot.

414. Janashia Valodia (M) – Home Address: # 26 Lagvilava str.

ap. #84, was shot in his own fl at in September of 1994.

415. Janashia-Papava Neli (F) - 52 years old, Home Address:

#29 Agrba str. was shot together with her son Kakha and husband

Radion Papava in September of 1993.

416. Janelidze Manana (F) - 23 years old, Home Address: #11

Nozadze str. died in bombing of the town on the 8th of June of 1993.

417. Janelidze Mikheil (M) - 67 years old, Home Address:

#15/12 Tbilisi Highway, was tortured to death through hanging on

the 29th of September of 1993.

418. Jguburia, 33 years old, was shot on the 2nd of October of


419. Jikia Nazibrola (F) - 42 years old, Home Address: # 74

Kirov str. died on the Chuberi Pass while forcedely leaving Abkhazia


on the 27th of September of 1993.

420. Kacharava Tamar (F) - 73 years old,was killed in his own

house on the 30th of September of 1993.

421. Kacharava Kimi (M) - 60 years old, Home Address: #16

Lenin str. was shot in his own house on the 6th of October of 1993.

422. Kacharava Ksenia (F) - was shot.

423. Kacharava Shota (M) – Home Address: #35 Titov str. was

shot on the 27th of September of 1993.

424. Kachakhmadze, 64 years old, Home Address: #37 Komkavshiris str. was shot in his own house on the 29th of September of 1993.

425. Kakubava Iakob (M) - was shot in September of 1994.

426. Kakuberi Tina (F) - 90 years old, was killed together with

her daughter Suliko on the 3rd of October fo 1993.

427. Kakuberi Suliko (F) - 70 years old, was killed together with

her 90 year old Mother – Tina in September of 1994.

428. Kakulia Fedosia (F) - 103 years old, Home Address: #28

Nagornaia str. was tortured to death – she was suffocated in her

own house on the 28th of April of 1994.

429. Kakulia Svetlana (F) - 46 years old, Home Address: #127

Mshvidoba avenue, was shot on the 28th of September of 1993.

430. Kakulia Valodia (M) - 63 years old,was killed.

431. Kakulia Vladimer (M) - 54 years old,Nagornaia str. was


432. Kakulia Zurab (M) – Home Address: #4 Dzidzaria str. ap.37

was shot on the 13th of September of 1993.

433. Kakuliani Artur (M) - 48 years old, of Armenian nationality,

was shot on the 27th of June of 1994.

434. Kalandia Antina (F) - 84 years old, Home Address: #128

Komkavshiris str. was shot in her own hosue on the 28th of September of 1993.

435. Kalandia Ketevan(F) - 58 years old, Home Address: #131

Komkavshiris str. was shot together with her husband Valodia and

husband’s brother - Zhora on the 28th of September of 1993.

436. Kalandia Valodia (M) - 62 years old, Home Address: #131

Komkavshiris str. was shot together with his wife Ketevan and brother Zhora on the 28th of September of 1993.

437. Kalandia Zhora (M) - 67 years old, Home Address: #131

Komkavshiris str. was shot together with his brother Valodia and

sister-in-law Keteva on the 28th of September of 1993.

438. Kalandia Zurab (M) - 58 years old, Home Address: #19 of

the Citrusebis str. the II turning, was shot in the village Pshapi on the


29th of September of 1993.

439. Kandelaki Gogi (M) - was shot.

440. Kapanadze Ivane (M) - was killed.

441. Karbaia Tamila (F) - 43 years old, was burnt alive in September of 1993.

442. Karbaia Teona (F) - Home Address: #40 Mshvidoba avenue,

died in aplane crashed by the separatists in September of 1993.

443. Kartozia Aliosha (M) – Home Address: #23 Kutaisi str. was

shot in his own house on the 27th of September of 1993.

444. Kartozia Amiran (M) - was tortured to death through jugulating.

445. Kartozia Karlo (M) - 63 years old,was tortured to death.

446. Kartozia Meri (F) - 33 years old, Home Address: #21 Citrusebis str. the II Lane, died on the Chuberi Pass, while forcedely

leaving Abkhazia on the 13th of October of 1993.

447. Katanova Sonia (F) - 52 years old, Home Address: #11

Kiaraz str. was killed in bombing of the town in January of 1993.

448. Katsadze Otar (M) - 53 years old, Home Address: #4/45

Dzidzaria str. was killed on the 29th of September of 1993.

449. Katsia Giorgi (M) - 34 years old, Home Address: #80 Rustaveli str. was shot in his own house on the 18th of October of 1993.

450. Katsia Tengiz (M) - was burnt alive in his own house on the

17th of September of 1993.

451. Kazarian Aida (F) - 20 years old, was killed in bobming of

the town on the 16th of April of 1993.

452. Ketiladze (Sergo Ketiladze’s sister), 75 years old, was


453. Ketiladze Sergo (M) - 75 years old, Home Address: Batumi

str. was shot together with his sister.

454. Kekelia Dariko (F) – Home Address: #12 Zarechnaia str.

was shot in his own house on the 26th of September of 1993.

455. Kemularia Amiran (M) - 68 years old, was shot in his own


456. Khaburzania Lamara (F) - 62 years old, Home Address:

#Kharazia str. was shot together with her husband Otar Dadiani.

457. Khaburzania Qishvard (M) - 47 years old, Home Address:

The I turning of Semerdjiev str. was shot on the 25th of September

of 1993.

458. Khalichava Vladimer (M) - was shot.

459. Khalichava-Kvaratskhelia (name unknown, husband of

Kvaratskehlia Ustina), Home Address: #137 Komsomolskaia str.


was killed after having been tortured.

460. Kharaishvili Nunu (F) - 53 years old, was shot on the 23rd

of September of 1993.

461. Kharbedia Tamaz (M) - 38 years old, Home Address: #7

Chavchavadze Avenue, (deputy minister of the Forest Farming of

Abkhazia), was shot on the 27th of September of 1993.

462. Kharebava Vakhtang (M) - 35 years old, was shot in his

own house on the 28th of September of 1993.

463. Khasaia (Name unknown), 40 years old,was shot in the

village Vladimirovka together with her husband.

464. Khasaia (Name eunknown), 45 years old,was shot in the

village Vladimirovka together with his wife.

465. Khazalia Tatiana (F) - was tortured to death through jugulating. 471. Kheladze Avtandil (M) - 55 years old,died in bombing

of the town on the 13th of May of 1993.

466. Khetsuriani Manana (F) - was shot.

467. Khionidi, was tortured to death – he was hanged.

468. Khocholava Maria (F) – Home Address: #24 Gochua str.

was shot on the 30th of September of 1993.

469. Kholbaia Amiran (M) - died in bombing of the town on the

25th of February of 1993.

470. Kholbaia Boris(M) - 8 years old, died in bombing of the

town on the 25th of February of 1993.

471. Kholbaia Tamila (F) - 42 years old, Home Address: Mshvidoba avenue, died on the Sakeni Pass in plane crash, while forcedely leaving Abkhazia on the 30th of September of 1993.

472. Kholbaia Vera (F) - 74 years old, Home Address: #36

Gelovani str. was shot together with her husband Alexandre Kvaratskhelia on the 25th of September of 1993.

473. Khorava Clara (Klaudia) (F) – Home Address: #38

Baratashvili str. was burnt alive together with Guram Khorava and

Boris Baghaturia on the 27th of September of 1993.

474. Khorava Djumber (M) - 55 years old, Address: Gastelo str.

the II turning, was killed.

475. Khorava Guram (M) – Home Address: #8 Baratashvili str.

was burnt alive together with Clara Khorava and Boris Baghaturia

on the 27th of September of 1993.

476. Khorava Karlo (M) - was shot.

477. Khorava Lilusha (M) - was shot in his own house on the 4th

of October of 1993.

478. Khorava Valeria (F) - was shot.


479. Khorguani Julieta (F) - 36 years old,was killed.

480. Khoperia Murtaz (M) - 29 years old, died in bombing of the

town on the 19th of May of 1993.

481. Khoshtaria Shuquri (M) - 60 years old, Home Address:

Qarxnis str. was tortured to death, then his dead body was thrown

into the street and eaten by the pigs.

482. Khoshtaria Tamaz (M) - 54 years old,died in bombing of

the town on the 12th of June of 1993.

483. Khoshtaria Zurab (M) - 18 years old, was killed by a sharpshooter.

484. Khubua Jujuna (F) - 58 years old, Home Address: the II

turning of #18 Armiis str. was shot in her own house together with

her husband Soso on the 28th of September of 1993.

485. Khubua Soso (M) - 60 years old, Home Address: the II

turning of #18 Armiis str. was shot in his own house together with his

wife Jujuna on the 28th of September of 1993.

486. Khubunaia Roman (M) - 28 years old, Home Address :#23

Koghonia str. was shot on the 27th of September of 1993.

487. Khubutia Zaur (M) - 46 years old, Home Address: #26 Tbilisi Highway, was shot on the 27th of September of 1993.

488. Khurashvili Gia (M) - Home Address: Titov str. was shot on

the Titov str. on the 27th of September of 1993.

489. Khurashvili Klara (F) - 64 years old, Home Address: #3

Agrba str. ap. #32, was shot in her own house on the 19th of September of 1993.

490. Khurashvili Murtaz (M) - was shot.

491. Khurtsilava Anatoli (M) – Home Address: the IV turning of

#129 Podgornaia str. was shot in his own house on the 13th of January of 1995.

492. Khurtsilava Grisha (M) - 55 years old, Home Address: #56

Agrba str. ap. #23, was shot in the village Dranda on the 29th of

September of 1993.

493. Khurtsidze Petre (M) - 31 years old, was shot in the village

Achadara on the 14th of October of 1993.

494. Khutsilava Vakhtang (M) – Home Address: #87 Marti str.

was shot in his own house on the 3rd of October of 1993.

495. Khvistani Nodar (M) - 40 years old, Home Address: #8

Chalmaz str. ap.#53, was shot in his own house on the 29th of September fo 1993.

496. Kikabidze Eteri (F) - 79 years old, Home Address: #23 Gogol str. was tortured to death in Gudauta – was suffocated.


497. Kikaleishvili Maguli (F) - was killed.

498. Kikaleishvili Tatusha (F) - 75 years old, was shot in the

Kardava family home together with Tamar Kardava – Guchua and

her daughter Svetlana Kardava - Kitia on the 3rd of February of 1994.

499. Kikaleishvili Nikoloz, 65 years old,was shot in his own

house on the 27th of September of 1993.

500. Kikaleishvili Nora (F) - 65 years old, #58/52 Tarkhnishvili

str. was tortured to death.

501. Kikin Alexandre (M) - resident of Town Pemza, was temporarily living in Sokhumi #6/30 Leselidze str. in Tatiana Djandjghava’s

house, was tortured to death on the 10th of January of 1995 – he

was suffocated.

502. Kilasonia Vitali (M) - 54 years old, Home Address:, #181

Msvidoba str., died on the Chuberi Pass, while forcedely leaving

Abkhazia on the 4th of October of 1993.

503. Kintsurashvili Abram (M) - was killed.

504. Kintsurashvili Dadash (M) – Home Address: #38 Vagzlis

str. was shot in his own house on the 27th of September of 1993.

505. Kintsurashvili Tamar (F) - 59 years old, Home Address:

#10/29 Karl Marx str. died on the Chuberi Pass, whle forcedely leaving Abkhazia on the 2nd of October of 1993.

506. Kishko Arkadi (M) - 35 years old, Home Address: #18 Mshvidoba Avenue, was killed in bombing of the town on the 22nd of

September of 1993.

507. Kitsmarishvili Meri (F) – Home Address: #24 Citeli Flotis

str. was shot in her own house on the 29th of September of 1993.

508. Kobakhidze Anatoli (M) - on the 28th of September of 1993

was shot together with Maro Tsotsoria, Devdariani, Jemal Dikhamindjia, Jemal Berulava and other unknown Georgians (altogether

26 persons).

509. Kobakhidze Avtandil (M) - 54 years old, Home Address:

#62 Mataradze str. was tortured to death on the 27th of September

of 1993.

510. Kobakhidze Ramin (M) – Home Address: #72 Marti str.

was shot in his own house on the 27th of September of 1993.

511. Kobeshavidze Archil (M) - 66 years old, Home Address: #6

Zarechnaia str. was killed together with his wife Nunu Kobeshavidze.

512. Kobeshavidze Nunu (F) - 60 years old, Home Address: #6

Zarechnaia str. was killed together with her husband Archil.

513. Koghonia Eteri (F) - 57 years old, of Abkhazian nationality,

was killed in bombing of the town on the 1st of April of 1993.


514. Kokaia Nanuli (F) - 56 years old, Home Address: #14 Kuibishev str. was shot.

515. Kokhia Givi (M) - was killed on the 22nd of September of 1993.

516. Kokhia Shalva (M) - was killed on the 22nd of September

of 1993.

517. Konava Alexandre (M) - 60 years old, Home Address: #105

Mshvidoba Avenue, was killed in the Fall of 1993.

518. Kondjaria Zekhish (M) - 55 years old,was killed.

519. Kondjaria Zurab (M) - 49 years old, Home Address: #24

Geranovskis str. Abkhazian by nationality, on the 28th of September

of 1993 was shot for not participating in the was against Georgians.

520. Kopaliani (Zhora’s Mother), Home Address: Komkavshiri

str. was shot together with her son Zhora and husband Beglar.

521. Kopaliani Agraphina (F) – Home Address: #24 Chanba str.

was shot in the village Tsebelda in August of 1994.

522. Kopaliani Alexandre (M) – Home Address: #100 Trapsh

str. was killed in August of 1992.

523. Kopaliani Beglar (M) - Home Address: Komkavshiri

str. was shot together with his son Zhora and his wife.

524. Kopaliani Murman (M) - 27 years old,was killed.

525. Kopaliani Nikoloz (M) - was killed.

526. Kopaliani Noe (M) - 70 years old, was shot in his own

house on the 27th of September of 1993.

527. Kopaliani Omar (M) – Home Address: #9/8 Kartozia str.

was shot in his own house on the 27th of September of 1993.

528. Kopaliani Soso (M) - 50 years old, was killed.

529. Kopaliani Tariel (M) - 59 years old, was killed in bombing of

the town on the 19th of March of 1993.

530. Kopaliani Tatusha (F) – Home Address: #26 Svanidze str.

was shot.

531. Kopaliani Zhora (M) - 50 years old, was shot together with

his parents.

532. Kopaliani Soso (M) - 50 years old, was killed.

533. Kopaliani Tariel (M) - 59 years old, was killed in bombing of

the town on the 19th of March of 1993.

534. Kordzaia Aliosha (M) - Home Address: #98 Chavchavadze

str. was shot in October of 1993.

535. Korsantia Shermadin (M) - 56 years old, Home Address: Citrusebis str. was shot together with Grigol Kvaratskhelia in May of 1994.

536. Kostilova Svetlana (F) – Home Address: #45/3 Kartozia str.

was killed in bombing of the town on the 29th of September of 1993.


537. Kotenko (M) - 70 years old, was killed in bombing of the

town on the 6th of March of 1993.

538. Kozmava Shalik0 (M) - was shot on the 7th of December

of 1993.

539. Kruglova Inga (F) – Home Address: Lacoba str. was killed

together with her son Oleg Belorusov in October of 1993.

540. Kuchava Amiran (M) - 64 years old, was shot in his own

house in August of 1994.His wife Lamara Baramia was killed in 1995.

541. Kudinova Lubov (F) - 69 years old, as killed in bombing fo

the town on the 20th of May of 1993.

542. Kukava – StephaniaRoza (F) - 21 years old, Home Address: #22 Bagrationi str. was tortured to death in her own house

inSeptember of 1993.

543. Kukhalashvili Grigol (M) - 81 years old, Home Address:

#30 Kiaraz str. was shot.

544. Kukhalaishvili Marine (F) - 47 years old, Home Address:

Zhdanov str. was tortured to death.

545. Kukhalaishvili Shalva’s Mother, Home Address: Chanba

str. was tortured to death in September of 1993.

546. Kukhalaishvili Shalva’s Father, was tortured to death in

September of 1993.

547. Kukhalaishvili Shalva’s Aunt, Home Address: Chanba

str. was tortured to death in September of 1993.

548. Kukhalaishvili Shalva’s wife, Home Address: Chanba str.

was tortured to death in September of 1993.

549. Kukhalaishvili Shota (M) - 61 years old, was killed in November of 1994.

550. Kukulava Nino (F) – Home Address: #51 Shervashidze str.

died on the Chuberi Pass, while forcedely leaving Abkhazia on the

7th of October of 1993.

551. Kukhaleishvili Nadejda (F) – Home Address: #12 Zhdanov

str. was shot together with her daughter -in-law Luba Grigolia and

father of that latter Vladimir Grigolia on the 27th of September of 1993.

552. Kuprava Giorgi (M) – Home Address: #70 Dzidzaria str.

was killed in bombing fo the town on the 17th of September of 1993.

553. Kuprava Nikoloz (M) - was shot.

554. Kuprava Shermadin (M) - 40 years old, Home Address:

#70 Kirov str. was shot in his own house on the 27th of September

of 1993.

555. Kupreishvili Giuli (F) - 43 years old, Home Address: Chanba str. was shot on the 19th of June of 1994.


556. Kupreishvili Gogi (M) - was shot.

557. Kurdghelia Dzika (M) - 65 years old, was shot in July of 1994.

558. Kutalia Ivliane (M) - 55 years old, Home Address: the 6th

Turning of the II Highway, was shot in the Maiak District on the 4th of

October of 1993.

559. Kutalia Liana (F) - Home Address: the 6th Turning of the II

Highway, was shot in the Maiak District on the 4th of October of 1993.

560. Kutalia Vera (F) - 80 years old, Home Address: the 6th Turning of the II Highway, was shot in the Maiak District on the 4th of

October of 1993.

561. Kutarba Temuri (M) - 35 years old, of Abkhazian nationality, Home Address: Nagornaia str. was killed for being friendly with

Georgians and staying in Sokhumi during the war and not leaving

for Gudauta.

562. Kutsia Davit (M) - 88 years old, Home Address: #19/9 Gogol str. was shot in his own house together with his daughter on the

2nd of Cotober of 1993.

563. Kutsia Natela (F) - 54 years old, Home Address: #19/9 Gogol str. was shot in her own house together with her father Davit on

the 2nd of October of 1993.

564. Kvantaliani Gocha (M) – Home Address: #30 Esher str.

was shot in his own house on the 16th of September of 1993.

565. Kvantaliani Davit (M) - 65 years old, Home Address: #18

Citrusebis str. was shot in his own house on the 27th of September

of 1993.

566. Kvantaliani Emzar (M) - 32 years old, Home Address: #27

Mshvidoba Avenue, was tortured to death on the 27th of September

of 1993.

567. Kvarataskhelia Alexandre (M) - 70 years old, Home Address: #36 Gelovani str. was shot together with his wife Vera Kholbaia on the 28th of September of 1993.

568. Kvaratskhelia Alik (M) - was killed.

569. Kvaratskhelia Amiran (M) - waskilled in his own house on

the 27th of September of 1993.

570. Kvaratskhelia Astamur (M) - 32 years old, Address: Gori

str. was killed in his own house in 1996.

571. Kvaratskhelia Grigor (M) - was shot on the 23rd of March

of 1993.

572. Kvaratskhelia Grigol (M) - 70 years old, Home Address:

#17 Citrusebis str. the II turning. Was shot togetehr with Shermadin

Korsantia in May of 1994.


573. Kvaratskhelia Levan (M) - 17 years old, was killed in bombing of the town on the 4th of May of 1993

574. Kvaratskhelia Valiko (M) - was killed on the 7th of October

of 1993.

575. Kvaratskhelia Valter (M) - 64 years old, Address: #14 Kuibishev str. was shot in his own fl at together with Zakhar Mistakopulos on the 27th of September of 1993.

576. Kvashilava Guram (M) - Home Address: new district, was

killed on the 21st of September of 1993.

577. Kvashilava Tengiz (M) – Home Address: #2a of the I turning

of the Posta str. was killed in bombing of the town together with his

sister and brother-in-law Khoto Tskvitaria on the 3rd of May of 1993.

578. Kvashilava-Tskvitaria Tamila (F) - 50 years old, was killed

in bombing of the town together with her husband Khoto Tskhvitaria

and her brother Tengiz on the 3rd of May of 1993.

579. Kvekveskiri Chichiko (M) - 68 years old, Home Address:

#7 Komkavshiris str. Abkahzian by nationality, was shot in September of 1994 for helping Georgians. Together with him were shot

three elderly Georgians (a man and two women). Their names and

surnames are unknown.

580. Kvekveskiri Elgudja (M) - was killed in bombing of the

town on the 14th of March of 1993.

581. Kviraia Antusha (M) - Home Address: #19 Jikia turning,

was killed in bombing of the town on the 19th of July of 1993.

582. Kviraia Pante (M) - was tortured to death.

583. Kvirikashvili Tariel (M) - was shot.

584. Kviritaia Merab (M) - was killed on the 21st of April of 1994.

585. Kvirtchkhaia Magnolia (F) - was killed.

586. Kvitsiani – Papava Manana (F) - 32 years old, was killed.

587. Labakhia Temur (M) - was killed.

588. Labartkhava Shota (M) - 70 years old, in the yeard of the

Gaz Apparatus Factory saw a young Georgian’s dead body hanging

on the hook with the inscription “ Georgian meat is being sold”. He

entered the building blew up the authors of the brutality - Abkhazian

warriors and died together with them.

589. Labartkhava - Naroushvili Tina (F) - 55 years old, Home

Address: #103 Bagrationi str. died from the heart attack on the 3rd of

March, when was forced to leave her house and threatened to be shot.

590. Lakerbaia Igor (M) - 32 years old, Home Address: #44

Dzidzaria str. was killed in bombing of the town on the 21st of September of 1993.


591. Lakerbaia Nodar (M) - 51 years old, Home Address: #50

Marx str. was tortured to death.

592. Laghidze Grigor (M) - 36 years old, Home Address: #28/5

Nozadze str. was tortured to death on the 22nd of November of 1993.

On the 10th of April of 1994 in the same circumstances was killed his

mother Liana.

593. Laghidze Liana (F) - 55 years old, Home Address :#28/5

Nozadze str. was killed on the 10th of April of 1993.

594. Lasareishvili Nugzar (M) - 49 years old, Home Address:

#26 Tskhakaia str. was shot on the 27th of September of 1993.

595. Lashkarava Clara (F) – Home Address: #194 Bzip Highway, was shot in her own house together with Kote Lashkarava on

the 29th of September of 1993.

596. Lashkarava Kote (M) - Home Address: #194 Bzip Highway,

was shot in his own house together with Clara Lashkarava on the

29th of September of 1993.

597. Lashkhia, was tortured to death together with his relatives

Valentina and Emzar Lashkhias on the 4th of October of 1993.

598. Lashkhia Avtandil (M) - 63 years old, was tortured to death

together with his wife Valentina, son Emzar and a relative on the 4th

of October of 1993.

599. Lashkhia Emzar (M) - 31 years old, was tortured to death

together with his mother Valentina, father Avtandil and a relative on

the 4th of October of 1993.

600. Lashkhia Temur (M) - was killed.

601. Lashkhia Shota (M) - 69 years old,was shot in his own


602. Lashkhia Varlam (M) - 76 years old, Home Address: #20/16

Lacoba str. was shot in the village Merkheuli on the 30th of September of 1993.

603. Lashkhia – Tsulaia Valentina (F) - 58 years old, was tortured to death together with her husband Avtandil, son Emzar and a

relative on the 4th of October of 1993.

604. Legziani Rafi k (M) - 34 years old, died together with his

wife Marina in a passenger plane crashed by the occupants on the

22nd of September of 1993.

605. Legziani - Tabatadze Marina (F) - died together with her

husband Rafi k in a passenger plane crashed by the occupants on

the 22nd of September of 1993.

606. Lekvtadze Gogi (M) - was killed.

607. Lemondjava Zurab (M) - was killed.


608. Letodiani Evgenia (F) - 72 years old, was killed in bombing

of the town on the 9th of March of 1993.

609. Levsaia Anastasia (F) - 82 years old, was killed on the 27th

of September of 1993.

610. Liparteliani Yuri (M) - 48 years old, Home Address: #45

Shroma Str. was shot in the village Baghmarani on the 22nd of October of 1993.

611. Liparteliani Zhora (M) - 47 years old, Home Address: #5

Msvidoba Avenue, was shot in the village Baghmarani on the 28th of

October of 1993.

612. Lobzhania Besik (M) – Home Address: #21/9 Sanchar str.

was tortured to death – he was burnt alive in his own house.

613. Lobzhania Egnate (M) – Home Address: #21/9 Sanchar

str. was tortured to death – he was burnt alive in his own house.

614. Lobzhania Ingishter (M) – Home Address: #21/9 Sanchar

str. was tortured to death – he was burnt alive in his own house.

615. Lobzhania Temuri (M) – Home Address: #21/9 Sanchar str.

was tortured to death – he was burnt alive in his own house.

616. Logua Levan (M) – Home Address: #19 Baratashili str. was

shot on the 27th of September of 1993.

617. Lomaia Boris (M) - 42 years old, was killed in bombing of

the town.

618. Lomaia Dodo (F) - 30 years old, Home Address: #32 Titov

str. was killed in bombing of the town.

619. Lomaia Murtaz (M) - 43 years old, Home Address: #37

Titov str. was shot.

620. Lomidze Goderdzi (M) - was killed.

621. Lomidze Lela (F) - was killed.

622. Lomtadze Lidia, resident of Sokhumi, was killed.

623. Lomidze Manana (F) - 48 years old, Home Address: #22

Tarkhnishvili str. was shot.

624. Lomidze Nana (F) - was killed.

625. Lomidze Rezo (M) - was killed.

626. Lomtadze Mikheil (M) - 63 years old, Home Address: #45

Mshvidoba Avenue, was shot in his own house on the 27th of September of 1993.

627. Lukhutashvili Violeta (F) – Home Address: #3/68 Lagvilava str. was shot on the 29th of September of 1993.

628. Lukhutashvili Kakha (M) – Home Address: #3/68 Lagvilava str. was shot on the 29th of September of 1993.

629. Lurie Anatoli (M) - 56 years old, Home Address: #177a


Mshvidoba Avenue, was shot together with his brother Genadi on

the 27th of September of 1993.

630. Lurie Genadi (M) - 52 years old, Home Address: #177a

Mshvidoba Avenue, was shot together with his brother Anatoli on

the 27th of September of 1993.

631. Macharadze Nina (F) - 77 years old, was killed.

632. Magakian (Name unknown), 55 years old,was killed in August of 1994.

633. Maisuradze–Malania Luiza (F) - 50 years old, was killed in

bombing of the town on the 11th of Jully of 1993.

634. Makalatia Avtandil (M) - 43 years old, Home Address: #8

the III turning of Eshba str. was shot in hid own house on the 27th of

September of 1993.

635. Malashkhia Shota (M) - 62 years old, Home Address: #6

Chanba 6th turning, was shot in October of 1993.

636. Mamulashvili Givi (M) - 70 years old, was shot.

637. Mamulia Roza (F) – Home Address: #195a Eshba str.

ap.#35, was killed in his own house on the 17th of October of 1993.

638. Managadze Natela (F) – Home Address: #64 Octomberi

str. was shot in his own house on the 3rd of October of 1993.

639. Mandaria Natela (F) - 51 years old, Home Address: #11

Kartozia str. was shot in her own house together with her husband

Ioseb Chichinava on the 28th of September of 1993.

640. Manetskov Petre (M) - 39 years old, was killed in bombing

of the town on the 18th of July of 1993.

641. Mania Dinara (F) - 45 years old, Home Address: #18a Kiarazi str. ap.#36 was tortured to death in her own fl at on the 28th of

September of 1993.

642. Mania Vaja (M) - 65 years old, was shot.

643. Mardgeliani Aqvso (M) – Home Address: #104 Marti str.

was killed on the 15th of August of 1992

644. Marghania Guram (M) - 50 years old, was shot on the 10th

of October of 1993.

645. Margvelani Mose (M) - 70 years old, Home Address: #2 of

the I turning of Ochalenko str. was shot on the 7th of October of 1993.

646. Mariam (F) - 55 years old, died in bombing of the town on

the 17th of May of 1993.

647. Marshania Natasha (F) - 42 years old, of Abkhazian nationality, was killed for having a Georgian wife.

648. Marshania Tsutsa (F) - was killed in bombing of the town

on the 20th of March of 1993.


649. Mataradze Maia (F) – Home Address: #14 Gogol str. ap.#8,

was shot in her own fl at on the 20th of August of 1993.

650. Matkava Sergo (M) - 71 years old, Home Address: #27

Tarkhnishvili str. was tortured to death for depriving him of a house.

651. Mavropulo Konstantine (M) - 40 years old, was killed in

January of 1994.

652. Meladze Chito (F) - was killed in her own house on the 27th

of September of 1993.

653. Meladze Omar (M) – Home Address: #24 Lenin str. was

killed in the village Octomberi in October of 1993.

654. Melkoniani Matisa (F) - 54 years old, was killed in bombing

of the town on the 7th of April of 1993.

655. Menteshashvili Julieta (Nargiza) (F) - 37 years old, Home

Address: #33 Gochua str. was shot in October of 1993.

656. Meparidze Tsiala (F) - 66 years old, was shot in Gulripsh

together with his relatives in September of 1993.

657. Meshveliani Badri, was shot.

658. Meskhi Leo, was shot.

659. Meskhi Qsenia (F) - 68 years old, Home Address: Kirov str.

was tortured to death together with her husband Vasil on the 28th of

September of 1993.

660. Meskhi Valiko (M) - 60 years old, Home Address: #2 Citrusebis str. was tortured to death – his limbs were broken and in the

end he was jugulated.

661. Meskhi Vasil (M) - 74 years old, Home Address: Kirov str. was

tortured to death together with his wife on the 28th of September of 1993.

662. Meskhia Nina (M) - was shot.

663. Meskhia Vakhtang (M) - was shot.

664. Meskhi-Partsvania Svetlana (F) - 75 years old, Home Address: #88 Lacoba str. ap.# 33, was tortured and then burnt alive

together with her husband Shalva on the 28th of September of 1993.

665. Metreveli Alik, was shot.

666. Metreveli Elgudja (M) - was shot.

667. Metreveli Shota (M) - resident of Sokhumi, was killed.

668. Mgaloblishvili Bidzina (M) - 75 years old, chief psychiatrist, Home Address:Citeli Flotis str. was shot on the 27th of September of 1993.

669. Migineishvili Vladimer (M) – Home Address: #5 Dzidzaria

str. was shot on the 18th of September of 1993.

670. Mikava Aqvsenti (M) - was killed in his own house.

671. Mikaia Otar (M) - 50 years old, was shot on the 4th of Octo-


ber of 1993.

672. Mikadze Khvicha (M) - was shot.

673. Mikadze Merab (M) - 21 years old, Home Address: #3

Lagvilava str. died on the Chuberi Pass, while forcedely leaving Abkhazia on the 27th of September of 1993.

674. Mikvabishvili Tamar (F) - 62 years old, was killed in bobming of the town on the 16th of April of 1993

675. Mildiani Sergo (M) - a student, 20 years old, died in bombing on the 30th of January of 1993.

676. Milenin Boris (M) - 77 years old,was killed in bombing of

the town on the 4th of April of 1993.

677. Milorava Tamara (F) - 75 years old, Home

678. Mindjia Tina (F) – Home Address: #71/11 Octomberi str.

was shot together with his son-in-law Zelimkhan.

679. Minina Lidia (F) - 65 years old, was killed in bombing of the

town on the 14th of January of 1993.

680. Minin Vladimer (M) - 52 years old, was killed in bobming of

the town on the 14th of January of 1993.

681. Mirtskhulava Evgenia (F) - 68 years old, was killed in

bombing of the town on the 5th of May of 1993.

682. Mirtskhulava Luba (F) - 75 years old, Home Address: #58

Khazbegi str. was killed in her own house together with her husband

Nikoloz Jinoria in September of 1993.

683. Mirtskhulava Noe (M) – Home Address: #6 Vaja-Pshavela

str. was shot in his own house.

684. Mirtskhulava Varvara (F) – Home Address: #126 Chanba

str. was shot in her own house on the 3rd of December of 1993.

685. Mistakopulo Zakhar (M) - 70 years old, Home Address:

#14 Kuibishev str. was shot together with his neighbor Valter Kvaratskhelia on the 27th of September of 1993.

686. Mishveladze Rezo (M) - 60 years old, Home Address: #5

Lacoba str, ap. #14, was shot in his own fl at on the 22nd of September of 1993.

687. Moderidze Akaki (M) - 63 years old, Home Address: #128

Vaja-Pshavela str. was killed.

688. Morozov Yuri (M) - 57 years old, was killed in bombing fo

the town on the 23rd of April of 1993.

689. Mosidze Luiza (F) – Home Address: #29 Polevaia str. was

killed in her own house on the 5th of October of 1993.

690. Mosidze Mariam (F) - 66 years old, was killed in his own

house on the 5th of October of 1993.


691. Mskhiladze Archil (M) - 37 years old, Home Address: #13

Krasnofl otskaia Lane, was shot in his own house on the 5th of October of 1993.

692. Mumladze Anzor (M) - was shot in his own house on the

26th of September of 1993.

693. Mumladze Valeri (M) - was killed in his neghbor’s house.

694. Murusidze Zigmer (M) - was shot.

695. Mushkudiani Genadi (M) - was shot.

696. Muskudiani Valiko (M) - was shot.

697. Mustafaeva Nadejda (F) - 59 years old, was killed in bobming of the town on the 4th of March of 1993.

698. M.Mzia (F) - 23 years old, resident of Sokhumi, Gotua str.

was raped by the warriors of the Armenian battalion and left unconscious, while they were feasting. When the girl came round,she took

the machine gun and warriors killed 3 warriors out of 7 and wounded

4. Mzia was hidden, but an Armenian neighbor gave her away and

handed to the Armenian warriors, who tortured her (raped, cut off

her fi ngers and ears) and then shot.

699. Nachkhebia Giorgi (M) - 68 years old, was killed on the 3rd

of December of 1993.

700. Nachkhebia Otar (M) - 52 years old,Tbilisi Highway, was

tortured to death in his own cottage in the village Merkheuli.

701. Nachkhebia Teimuraz (M) - was shot in his own house on

the 27th of October of 1993.

702. Nadareishvili Alexandre (M) - 41 years old, resident of

Sokhumi, was killed in bombing of the town on the 23rd of June of 1993.

703. Nadareishvili Gia (M) - was killed in his own house.

704. Nadareishvili Lela (F) - 57 years old, was killed in bombing

of the town on the 14th of April, of 1993.

705. Nadareishvili Zviad (M) - 35 years old, the member of the

fi rst call of the Georgian parliament, was taken captive on the 7th of

October of 1992 near the village Tamish together with Marlen Gakhokidze and Ramaz Gogia. All the three were shot in Tkhvarcheli.

706. Nanava Grigol (M) - 71 years old, Home Address: #25

Samsheneblo str. was shot in the village Agudzera together with his

son Zurab on the 28th of September of 1993.

707. Nanava Tamar (F) - 60 years old, was killed in bombing of

the town.

708. Nanava Zurab (M) - 48 years old, Home Address: #25

Samsheneblo str. was shot in the village Agudzera together with his

father Grigol on the 28th of September of 1993.


709. Narmania Ushangi (M) - 85 years old, Home Address:

Tbilisi Hughway, was shot in his own house on the 10th of October

of 1993.

710. Naroushvili Alexandre (M) - 60 years old, Home Address:

#103 Bagrationijnstr. died from heart failure, when the separatists

kidnapped his 14 year old daughter Shorena.

711. Naroushvili Klara (F) - was shot.

712. Naroushvili Tamar (F) - 38 years old, was killed in bombing

of the town on the 26th of July of 1993.

713. Narsia Aliosha (M) - was killed in November of 1993.

714. Narsia Djugu (M) - was killed in November of 1993.

715. Narsia Seraphime (M) – Home Address: #8 5th Armiis str.

was shot inSeptember of 1994.

716. Naumenko Zoia (F) - 43 years old, was killed in bombing of

the town on the 8th of May of 1993.

717. Nikolava Valeri (M) – Home Address: #8 Chukbari str was

shot in his own house on the 10th of November of 1993.

718. Norakidze Yuri (M) - 62 years old, Home Address:Kvaratskhelia

str. was shot on the 27th of September of 1993.

719. Ochigava Zurab (M) - 47 years old, was killed in bombing

of the town on the 16th of April of 1993.

720. Ochigava Sergo (M) – Home Address:#43 Sanchar str.

was shot in his own house on the 25th of September of 1993.

721. Odinokov Vladimer (M) - 43 years old, was killed in bombing of the town on the 3rd of May of 1993.

722. Odisharia Doren (M) – Home Address: #17 Nagornaia str.

was shot in his own house on the 27th of September of 1993.

723. Okhelia (Name unknown), was shot.

724. Okudjava (Name unknown), was shot.

725. Omanadze Bichiko (M) - 64 years old, Home Address: #8

Leselidze str. was tortured to death on the 27th of September of 1993.

726. Omanadze Dortem (M) - was shot.

727. Omanadze Shota (M) - 53 years old, was killed on the 29th

of September of 1993.

728. Oniani Luiza (F) - 19 years old, was shot.

729. Orlov Alexandre (M) - 41 years old, was shot on the 30th of

September of 1993.

730. Ormotsadze Givi (M) - 67 years old,was shot in October

of 1993.

731. Osina Irina (F) - 47 years old, was killed in bombing of the

town on the 25th of June of 1993.


732. Pachkoria (Name unknown), Home Address: Titov str. was

killed in his own house together with his wife Roza and their child.

733. Pachkoria (Name unknown), Home Address: Titov str.

was killed together with his/her parents.

734. Pachkoria Bocha (M) - 60 years old, Home Address: #115

Eshba str. was killed in bombing of the town on the 20th of February

of 1993.

735. Pachkoria Malkhaz (M) - on the 15th of August of 1992 was

caught in Gudauta together with his brother Murtaz, Kote Gagua

and Tamaz Topuria. All the four were shot.

736. Pachkoria Murtaz (M) - on the 15th of August of 1992 was

caught in Gudauta together with his brother Malkhaz, Kote Gagua

and Tamaz Topuria. All the four were shot.

737. Pachkoria Roza (F) – Home Address:Titov str. was shot in

her own house together with her husband and their child.

738. Pachulia Dusha (F) – Home Adderss: Dzidzaria str. was

killed in bombing of the town on the 25th of July of 1993.

739. Paichadze Lika (F) - 31 years old, Home Address: #44

Dzidzaria str. was killed in the bombing of the town on the 21st of

September of 1993.

740. Pangani Bidzina (M) - was shot together with Mamuli Berulava.

741. Paneev Vasil (M) - 38 years old, was killed in bombing of

the town on the 21st of December of 1992.

742. Panchvidze Guram (M) - resident of Sokhumi, was shot.

743. Panchvidze Omar (M) - 24 years old, Home Address: #108

Skolis str. was shot at the river Gumista.

744. Papandopulo Ivane (M) - 63 years old, was killed in bombing of the town on the 12th of April of 1993.

745. Papandopulo Sophia (F) - 60 years old, was killed in bombing of the town on the 16th of June of 1993.

746. Papaskiri Angelina (F) - 35 years old, was shot on the 30th

of September of 1993.

747. Papava Kakha (M) - 22 years old, Hpme Address: Agrba

str. on the 29th of September of 1993 was shot in the village Dranda

in his relatives’ house together with his his parents Neli and Radion.

748. Papava Radion (M) - 53 years old, Home Address: Agrba str.

on the 29th of September of 1993 was shot in the village Dranda in his

relatives’ house together with his wife Neli Janashia and son Kakha.

749. Papava Revaz (M) - 51 years old, was tortured to death - he

was ran over by the armoured vehicle of the occupants.

750. Papazian Alika (M) - 40 years old, was killed in bombing of


the town on the 19th of May of 1993.

751. Pardjiani Givi (M) - 33 years old, was shot.

752. Parinos Nikoloz (M) - 48 years old, was tortured to death

together with his father Petre.

753. Parinos Petre, 70 years old, was tortured to death together

with his son Nikoloz.

754. Partsvania Alexandre (M) - 38 years old, was shot at the

building of Council of Ministers’ on the 27th of September of 1993.

755. Partsvania Lavrenti (M) - 65 years old, was shot on the 16th

of September of 1993.

756. Partsvania Shalva (M) – Home Address: # 88 Lakoba str.

ap.#33. was tortured and then burnt alive together with his wife

Svetlana Meskhi-Partsvania on the 28th of September of 1993.

757. Partsvania Vakhtang (M) - 40 years old, was shot at the

building fo the Council of Ministers’ on the 27th of September of 1993.

758. Parulava (Lena’s husband), 65 years old, was shot together with his wife on the 9th of February of 1994

759. Parulava Lena (F) - 62 years old, was shot together with

her husband on the 9th of February of 1994.

760. Patsatsia Germane (M) – Home Address:#17 Turning of

Posta str. was killed on the 16th of January of 1993.

761. Patsatsia Radion (M) - 45 years old, Home Address: Djguburia str. was killed on the 27th of September of 1993.

762. Patsatsia Tsatso (F) – Home Address: #18 Chavchavadze

str. was shot in her own house on the 27th of September of 1993.

763. Pavlenko Pavle (M) - 46 years old, was killed in bombing of

the town on the 3rd of May of 1993.

764. Petriashvili Givi (M) - 50 years old, Home Address: #54

Maiakovskis str. was shot in his own house on the 26th of September

of 1993.

765. Petrosian Vera (F) - was killed in bombing of the town on

the 25th of June of 1993.

766. Phitozova Elene (F) - was tortured to death.

767. Pipia Babutsa (F) - 57 years old, Address; #22 Baratashvilis str. Was shot on the 27th of September of 1993.

768. Pipia Dachi (M) - 13 years old,was killed.

769. Pirveli Giorgi (M) - was killed on the 18th of November of 1993.

770. Pirveli Tristan (M) - 51 years old,was killed on the Dzidzaria str. on the 5th of April of 1994.

771. Pirtakhia Dodo (F) - 5 years old,was killed in bombing of

the town on the 11th of May of 1993.


772. Pirtakhia Neli (F) - 48 years old, was killed on the 20th of

October of 1993.

773. Pirtskhalava Shalva (M) – Home Address: #7 Agrba str.

was killed in bombing of the town on the 25th of May of 1993.

774. Pitrakov Yuri (M) - 55 years old, was killed in bombing of

the town on the 5th of April of 1993.

775. Pkhkadze Leila (F) - resident of Sokhumi, was shot.

776. The whole Pkhakadze family, were tortured to death in

their own house – all the family members were beheaded.

777. Plevako Ana (F) - 57 years old, was killed in bombing of the

town on the 27th of February of 1993.

778. Pochkhua Lili (F) – Home Address: #10 Tbilisi Highway,

was shot in her own hosue on the 26th of September of 1993.

779. Popkhadze Gia (M) - 24 years old,was shot in his own

house on the 25th of September of 1993.

780. Popitanchenko Nikoloz (M) - 79 years old, was killed in

bombing of the town on the 19th of July of 1993.

781. Pridanov Guram (M) - 47 years old,was killed in bombing

of the town on the 24th of February of 1993.

782. Putkaradze Anzor (M) - 35 years old, Address: #13 Orakhelashvili str. was shot on the 27th of September of 1993.

783. Qadjaia Valentina (F) - 80 years old, was shot.

784. Qadjaia Ilia (M) - 65 years old, Home Address: #44 Armiis

str. was shot in his own house on the 28th of September of 1993.

785. Qadjaia Nazi (F) – Home Address: #22 Gochua str. was

shot in her own house on the 27th of September of 1993.

786. Qadjaia Omar (M) - 49 years old, Home Address: #48 Kuibishev str. was shot in his own house on the 2nd of October of 1993.

787. Qamushadze Shota (M) - 70 years old, Home Address:

#16 Sazgvao str. was shot in his own hosue, onm the 27th of September of 1993.

788. Qantaria Amiran (M) - was shot.

789. Qarchava Davit (M) - 39 years sold, Home Address: #71

Kiaraza str. was shot in the village Varche in his own cottege.

790. Qarchava Guram (M) - 53 years old, the second highway,

#4 turning, was tortured to death on the 4th of October of 1993.

791. Qarchava Nadejda (F) - 89 years old, was shot in her own

house in 1994.

792. Qardava Davit (M) - 68 years old, Home Address: #43 Batumi str. was shot in the village Estonka on the 8th of March of 1994.

793. Qarchava Vaja (M) - Home Address: #139 Bagrationi str.


was shot together with his wife Natela Arqania-Qarchava on the 8th

of October of 1993.

794. Qardava Eter (F) - 53 years old, Home Address: #146

Chavchavadze str. was killed in bombing of the town on the 13th of

March of 1993.

795. Qardava Gigla (M) - 50 year sold, Home Address: #50

Kvaratskhelia str. was shot in his own house together wioth his wife

Liana Akhalaia in January of 1994.

796. Qardava Grigol (M) - 63 years old, Home Address: #27

Kalinin str. was shot in the village Babushera, was shot on the 29th

of September of 1993.

797. Qardava Guram (M) - 54 years old, Home Address; #60 Rkinigzis str. was shot in his house on the 27th of September of 1993.

798. Qardava Kukuri (M) - 60 years old, was shot on the 30th of

September fo 1993.

799. Qardava Valentina (F) - 73 years old, Home Address:#27

Kalinin str. was shot in the village Babushera, together with her husband Grigol on the 29th of September of 1994.

800. Qardava Leri (M) - 29 years old, was shot.

801. Qardava Svetlana (F) - 55 years old, Home Address: #177

Kirov str. was shot in her own house together with her Mother Tamar

and relative Tatusha Kikaleishvili on the 3rd of February of 1994.

802. Qardava–Guchua Tamar (F) - Home Address: #177 Kirov

str. was shot in her own house, together with her daughter and relative Tatusha Kikaleishvii on the 3rd of February of 1994.

803. Qatsarava Qsenia, (F) - was shot.

804. Qavtaradze Anzor (M) – Home Address: #1 Dzerjinski str.

ap. #3/36, was shot on the 4th of August of 1994.

805. Qavtaradze Dariko (F) - was shot.

806. Qavtaradze-Chania Vardo (F) - was shot and then burnt

in her own house, together with one Georgian and (4) four Russian


807. Qeburia Amiran (M) - 68 years old, was shot in his own house.

808. Qeburia L.M. 32 years old, was killed in bombing of the

town on the 25th of June of 1993.

809. Qeburia Lali (F) - 34 years old, was killed during shelling of

the town on the 25th of June of 1993.

810. Qeburia (F) - 35 years old, mother of two, was killed in

bombing of the town.

811. Qiria Gulisa (F) - was shot.

812. Qiria Irod (M) - was shot.


813. Qiria Matsi (M) - was shot.

814. Qiria Zina (F) - was shot.

815. Qiria (Name is unknown), Address: the II Lane of Dzidzaria

str. on the 27th of September of 1993 was shot and then burnt in his own

house together with her neighbors – Natela Topuria, Lamzira Gabrava

and her mother and 6 other neighbors. Their dead bodies were burnt.

816. Qobalia Chichiko (M) – Home Address: #25, the II turning

of the Komkavshiris str. was killed in bombing of the town on the 18th

of December of 1992.

817. Qobalia Jemal (M) - 38 years old, was killed in bombing of

the town on the 5th of January of 1993.

818. Qobalia Tamar (F) - was killed in Gudauta together with

Rita Arghvliani – Gerliani and 2 other unknown Geogrian women.

819. Qobalia Tengiz (M) - 40 years old, Home Address: #54

Chochua str. was shot in his own house on the 27th of September of

1993. The separatists did not allow his relatives to bury him.

820. Qobalia Valiko (M) - was shot.

821. Qobalia Vera (F) - 70 years old,was shot.

822. Qoiava Irakli (M) - 44 years old, Home Address: #105 Mshvidoba Avenue, was shot in his own house together with his brothers – Levan and Parnaoz and a nephew Soso on the 27th of September of 1993.

823.Qoiava Levan (M) - 44 years old, Home Address: #105 Msvidoba Avenue, was shot in his own house together with his brothers – Levan and Parnaoz and a nephew Soso on the 27th of September of 1993.

824. Qoiava Levan (M) - 23 years old, Home Address:#105 Msvidoba Avenue, was shot in his own house together with his Father Parnaoz and uncles– Levan and Irakli on the 27th of September of 1993.

825. Qoiava Parnaoz (M) - 23 years old, Home Address: #105

Msvidoba Avenue, was shot in his own house together with his

brothers Levan and Irakli and a nephew Soso on the 27th of September of 1993.

826. Qomoshvili Grigor (M) - 63 years old, Home Address:

Frunze str. was killed on the 27th of September of 1993.

827. Qoiava Varlam (M) – Home Address: #7 Emukvari str. was

shot in his own house on the 26th of September of 1993. 836. Qortua Igor (M) - of Abkhazian nationality, was killed by the plunderer.

828. Qoridze Ioseb (M) - 74 years old, Home Address: ap#71,

#71 Chochua str. was shot in his own house, on the 26th of September of 1993.

829. Qoridze Soso (M) - 72 years old, Home Address: ap.#39,

#72 Chochua str. was killed in his own house.


830. Qoridze Vaja (M) - Home Address: #48 4th of March str. was shot.

831. Qvaraia Pante (M) - was killed.

832. Qvartskhava Gogi (M) - 70 years old, was shot.

833. Qvartskhava Grigol (M) - was killed on the 23rd of March

of 1993.

834. Rapava (Father), Address: the III turning of #5 Tavadze str.

was shot and then burnt together with the members of his family in

the village Ganakhleba on the 19th of October of 1993.

835. Rapava Raul (M) - 54 years old, Home Address: The III

turning of #5 Tavadze str. was shot and then burnt together with his

parents on the 19th of October of 1993.

836. Rapava Tengiz (M) – Home Address: #51 Chalmaz str.

ap.#11, was shot in his own fl at on the 17th of September of 1993.

837. Rapava Valentina (Mother), Address: the III turning of #5

Tavadze str. was shot and then burnt together with the members of

her family in the village Ganakhleba on the 19th of October of 1993.

838. Ratiani Amiran (M) - 48 years old, Home Address: #10

Janashia str. was shot in his own house on the 2nd of October of 1993.

839. Ratiani Patuli (M) - 32 years old, Home Address: Baratashvili str. was killed.

840. Ratiani Victor (Gia) (M) - 45 years old, Home

Address:Baratashvili str. was killed together with his mother Marina


841. Razmadze Grigol (M) - 80 years old, Home Address: #295

Kirov str. was shot.

842. Razmadze Ramaz (M) - 52 years old,was shot.

843. Rekhviashvil Giuli (F) - 41 years old, was killed in bombing

of the town on the 20th of December of 1992.

844. Rekhviashvili Rezo, was shot.

845. Rizhakov Alexsandre (M) - 58 years old,was killed in

bombing of the town.

846. Robakidze, (Name Uknown) 20 years old, Address: Tsulukidze str. was killed in bobming of the town on the 4th of January of 1993.

847. Rogava Amiran (M) - was shot.

848. Rogava Amiran (M) - 60 years old, Home Address:Trapsh

str. was drove out from his house and shot on the Leselidze str. on

the 18th of October of 1993.

849. Rogava Goneli (M) - was killed in bombing of the town.

850. Rogava Shota (M) – Home Address: #13 the III Zarechnaia

str. was shot on the 27th of September of 1993.

851. Rogava-Mashia Nadejda (F) - 67 years old, Home Ad-


dress: #15 Djguburia str. was shot in her own house on the 1st of

October of 1993.

852. Rubenia Nora (F) - 60 years old, Home Address: #58 Tarkhnishvili str. was shot in her own house on the 27th of September of 1993.

853. Rurua Platon (M) - 44 years old, Home Address: #7 Bagrationi str. was killed.

854. Rusia Elena (F) - 60 years old, Home Address: #72 Ordjonikidze str. was shot in her own house on the 5th of October of 1993.

855. Rusia Gamal, was shot.

856. Rusia Soso (M) - was shot.

857. Rusia Tsata (F) - was shot.

858. Rusia Zurab (M) - 39 years old, Home Address: #4a Dzerjinski str. was shot on the 2nd of October of 1993.

859. Rukhadze Liana (F) - died in bombing of the town on the

28th of June of 1993.

860. Rukhadze Mzia (F) - 29 years old, Home Address: #8

Chalmaz str. ap. #47, died on the Chuberi Pass, while forcedely

leaving Abkhazia on the 30th of September of 1993.

861. Rukhadze Nina (F) - was shot.

862. Rutenberg Natasha (F) - 39 years old, was raped and shot

after being tortured on the 30th of September of 1993.

863. Saakiani Miron (M) - 62 years old, died in bombing of the town.

864. Saakiani Sumbat (M) - 65 years old, Home Address; #7

Shervashidze str. was shot by the Armenians from the village Labra

on the 27th of September of 1993.

865. Sadjaia Kakhaber (M) - 20 years old, Home Address: #21

Dzerjinski str. was shot on the 8th of October of 1993.

866. Sakhokia Aleksi (M) - 52 years old, Home Address: #13

Tbilisi highway, was shot at his own house on the 29th of September

of 1993.

867. Sakhokia Davit (M) - 43 years old, Home Address; #2 VajaPshavela str. died in bombing of the village babushera on the 27th of

September fo 1993.

868. Salia Aurelia (F) - died in bombing of the town on the 25th

of June of 1993.

869. Salia Guram (M) - 35 years old, Home Address: #23 Eshba

str. died in bombing of the town on the 24th of June of 1993.

870. Samsonia Venera (F) - years old, Home Address: #33 Posta turning, was killed in her own house.

871. Samushia Kote (M) - 50 years old, Home Address: #34

Semerjiev str. was tortured to death.


872. Samushia Nutsa (F) - 65 years old, Home Address; #20

Batumi str. was shot in the village Tsebelda on the 31st of October

of 1993 together with her husband Tariel, husband’s niece Lamara

from Gulripsh, Sokhumi distric residents Guli Kalandia-Pipia and her

15 year old son Davir and Alexandre Zarqua.

873. Samushia Tariel (M) - 65 years old, Home Address: #20

Batumi str. was shot and then burnt in the village Tsebelda on the

31st of October of 1993 together with her wife Nutsa, niece Lamara

from Gulripsh, Sokhumi distric residents Guli Kalandia-Pipia and her

15 year old son Davir and Alexandre Zarqua.

874. Samkharadze-Djghamadze Eter (F) - 65 years old, a wellknown poet, Home Address: #17 Khazbegi str. was shot in the village

Achandara together with the family members of Bichiko Baramia on

the 9th of April of 1993. On the 28th of September of 1993 her husband - Khuta Djghamadze was shot in his own house.

875. Sanaia Tamar (F) - 86 years old, was killed in bombing of

the town.

876. Sanaia Slavik (M) - 27 years old, Home Address: #4 Qlukhori str. was killed in bombing of the town.

877. Sanaia - Jejelava Babutsa (F) - 55 years old, Home Address: #41 Kuibishev str. was shot in the village Tsebelda together

with her husband Amiran Jejelava in November of 1993.

878. Sangulia Khuta (M) - 50 years old, was killed in bombing

of the town.

879. Sanikidze Robert (M) - was shot.

880. Sarchimelia Jujuna (F) - was shot.

881. Sarqisian Vartan (M) - 48 years old, was killed in bombing

of the town.

882. Seidalieva Galina (F) - 53 years old, died in bombing of

the town.

883. Semionov Vova (M) - was shot in his own house on the 27th

of September of 1993.

884. Sengerov Kiriak (M) - 50 years old, resident of Sokhumi,

was shot.

885. Serikova (F) - 68 years old, Home Address; N22 Dermanovski str. was shot in her own house on the 28th of September

of 1993.

886. Shalamberidze Ekaterine (F) - 75 years old, died in bombing of the town.

887. Shalamberidze, died in bombing of the town on the 10th of

February of 1993.


888. Shamatava Orest (M) - 68 years old, Home Address: N27

Jikia str. was shot in his own house on the 24th of April of 1996.

889. Shamugia Datiko (M) - was shot on the 9th of November of 1993.

890. Shamugia Vera (F) - 63 years old, was tortured to death.

891. Shamugia Tamar (F) - 75 years old, Home Address: #20 Dzigua

str. died in bombing of the town on the 20th of September of 1993.

892. Shamugia Zhuzha (F) – Home Address; #57 Tsulukidze str.

was shot in the village Akhaldaba on the 20th of September of 1993.

893. Shamugia Roin Radionis dze (M) - 31 years old, was killed

on the 27th of September of 1993

894. Shamugia - Jikia Margarita (F) - was shot on the 9th of

November of 1993.

895. Sharashenidze Tina (F) - 73 years old, Home Address:

Lenin str. was tortured to death through hanging.

896. Sharia Natela (F) - 58 years old, Home Address: #15 Gulia

str. was shot together with her sister Neli Chkhetia on the 30th of

September of 1993.

897. Shartava Dato, was shot.

898. Shartava Jiuli (M) - 49 years old, Head of the Council of

MInistres of Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia, was tortured to

death on the 27th of September of 1993.

899. Shavladze Margarita (F) - Home Address: #44 Dzigua str.

was shot in her own house in December of 1993.

900. Shelegia Guram (M) - was shot in his own house.

901. Shelegia Tsiala (F) – Home Address; #119/3 Mshvidoba

avenue, was shot.

902. Shelia Alexandre (M) - 65 years old, was killed on the 28th

of September of 1993.

903. Shelia Nazi (F) - 60 years old, Home Address: Mshvidoba

Avenue, was shot.

904. Shelia Ogiki(M) - 45 years old, Home Address: #5 Citrusebis str. was shot.

905. Shelia Rodion (M) – Home Address: the I turning of the Citrusebis str. was shot in his won house on the 4th of October of 1993.

906. Shelia Tamaz (M) - 35 years old, was killed in bobming of

the town on the 19th of May of 1993.

907. Shelia Volder (Tutu) (M) - 37 years old, was shot in his own

house on the 27th of September of 1993. The separatists did not allow his relatives to bury him.

908. Shelia - Adamia Ariadna (F) - Home Address; #19 Gogol

str. ap.37, was shot.


909. Shengelia (a woman), name unknown, 30 years old, was

killed in bombing of the town in 1993.

910. Shengelia Arshavel (M) - 55 years old, Home Address;

Chavchavadze str. was taken captive at the building of the Council

of Ministers and shot on the 27th of September of 1993.

911. Shengelia Eteri (F) - 58 years old, Home Address; #27 the

II turning of Gvirabis str. died in bombing of the town on the 23rd of

June of 1993.

912. Shengelia Karlo (M) - was visiting his relative in Gali his

relative Murman Shengelia. Both of them were shot on the 5th of

October of 1993.

913. Shengelia Ketevan (F) - 70 years old, Home Address; #16

Gulia str. was shot in her own house on the 28th of September of 1993.

914. Shengelia Lengon (M) - was shot.

915. Shengelia Nato (F) – Home Address; #54 Gulia str. was

killed in bombing of the town on the 1st of December of 1992.

916. Shengelia Nutsa (F) - was killed in bombing of the town on

the 1st of December of 1992.

917. Shengelia Zaur (M) - 43 years old, Home Address: #8 Semerdjiev str. was shot in his own house on the 28th of September of 1993.

918. Shervashidze Nodar (M) - 70 years old, Home Address:

Rustaveli str. was killed in bombing of the town together with Lola

(Family name unknown).

919. Shvachko Nadejda (F) - 68 years old,was tortured to death

in her own house in 1995 – she was hanged on the wire.

920. Shvangiradze, was shot.

921. Shingaluk Olga (F) - 50 years old, was killed in bombing of

the town on the 1st of May of 1993.

922. Shlater Luba (F) - was killed and then burnt on the 27th of

September of 1993.

923. Shlater Babulia (F) - 80 years old, Home Address; #62

Tarkhnishvili str. was shot together with her daughter Albina, sonin-law Giorgi and grandson Nugzar Chkhenkelis on the 27th of September of 1993.

924. Shlater-Chkhenkeli Albina (F) - 60 years old, was killed

with her mother Babulia Shlater, husband Giorgi and son Nugzar

Chkhenkelis on the 27th of September of 1993.

925. Shonia (Name unknown), was shot together with his father

in the village Baghmarani.

926. Shonia (Name unknown), was shot together with his son

in the village Baghmarani.


927. Shonia Abel (M) - 64 years old, Home Address: #25 VajaPshavela str. was shot together with his brother Vakhtang Shonia

and two relatives in Gagra on the 2nd of October of 1992.

928. Shonia Alexandre (M) - 67 years old, Home Address: #24

Bagrationi str. was shot together with his son Vakhtang on the 27th

of September of 1993.

929. Shonia Eteri (F) - 49 years old, Home Address; #16

Chalmaz str. was shot.

930. Shonia Emil(M) - 45 years old, Home Address; New District,

was shot in the Kurchenko Garden on the 4th of October of 1993.

931. Shonia Enver (M) - was shot.

932. Shonia Giorgi (M) - 67 years old, Home Address; #12 Karl

Marx str. was shot on the 16th of September of 1993.

933. Shonia Ilo (M) – Home Address: # 9 the fi rst Lane of Chochua str. was shot on the 10th of October of 1993.

934. Shonia Nina(F) - 56 years old, Home Address: #14 Kuibishev str. was shot.

935. Shonia Sergo (M) - 70 years old, Home Address: #71 Octomberi str. was tortured to death in his own fl at – he was hanged in

the bathroom.

936. Shonia Vakhtang (M) - 40 years old, Home Address; #24

Bagrationi str. was shot together with his father Alexandre on the

27th of September of 1993.

937. Shonia Zhora (M) - 70 years old, Home Address: #18 Karl

Marx str. was hanged in his own fl at.

938. Shubitidze Alexandre Shubitidze’s wife, 60 years old,

Home Address: Dermanosvki str. was shot together with her husband.

939. Shubitidze Alexandre (M) - 63 years old, Home Address;

Dermanovski str. was shot together with his wife.

940. Shubitidze Bikenti (M) - 55 years old, Home Address: Batumi str. was shot in September of 1993.

941. Shubitidze Nugzar, was shot in his own house.

942. Shubladze Roin (M) - 53 years old, Home Address: #8/10

Kirov str. was shot on the 18th of November of 1993.

943. Shubladze Roman (M) - was killed on the 30th of September of 1993.

944. Shulaia Kakha(M) - 17 years old, was killed in bombing of

the town.

945. Sichinava Victor (M) - Gogol str. was shot together with his

mother Maro.

946. Sichinava Maro (F) - 70 years old, Address: Gogol str. was


shot together wither son Victor.

947. Sichinava Medea (F) - 70 years old, Home Address: #17

Khazbegi str. was shot in the village Achadara together with her

husbad Bichiko Baramia and guest Eter Samkharadze-Djghmadze

in October of 1993.

948. Sichinava Nugzar (M) - was shot.

949. Sichinava Tristan (M) - was shot.

950. Sichinava Pushuta (M) - died on the Chuberi Pass, while

forcedely leaving Abkhazia on the 2nd of October of 1993.

951. Sigua Akaki (M) - 61 years old, was shot.

952. Sigua Mikheil (Kote) (M) - 70 years old, Home Address:

#5 Gochua str. was shot together with his son Nodar and 16 other

peaceful citizens on the 27th of September of 1993.

953. Sigua Nodar (M) - 35 years old, Home Address: #5 Gochua

str. was shot together with his father Mikheils and 16 other peaceful

citizens on the 27th of September of 1993.

954. Sigua Roza (F) - 58 years old, Home Address: #128 Mshvidobia Avenue, was shot together with her woman relative.

955. Sigua Valdimer (M) - 68 years old, Home Address: #42

Michurin str. was tortured to death on the 6th of May of 1994.

956. Silagadze Avtandil (M) - 59 years old, tripped the mine laid

by the occupants.

957. Silagadze Edik (M) - was shot.

958. Silagadze Raisa (F) - 59 years old, Home Address: #32

Tarkhnishvili str. died in bobming of the town on the 20th of February

of 1993.

959. Simonia V. 53 years old, was shot.

960. Siria Tamaz (M) – Home Address:Shervashidze str. was

shot in his own house on the 27th of September of 1993.

961. Sitnik Vladimer (M) - was shot.

962. Smirnov Victor (M) - died in bombing of the town.

963. Sokolova Sophia (F) - 53 years old, died in bombing of the town.

964. Soselia Ioseb (M) – Home Address: #23 Citrusebis str. was

shot in his own house.

965. Soselia Mamuka (M) - was killed.

966. So

fi anova Maria (F) - 33 years old, pregnant, was tortured

to death.

967. Sop-Oghli Nutsa (F) – Home Address: #173 Eshba str. ap.

#29. Died in bombing of the town on the 27th of April of 1993.

968. Sokhadze Valiko (M) - 59 years old, was shot.

969. Spichak-Sokhadze Valentina (F) - 73 years old, Home Ad-


dress: #46 of the 4th of Marti str. died in bobming of the town.

970. Stanovskikh Maria (F) - 18 years old, died in bombing of

the town.

971. Starikova Sophia (F) - was shot together with her husband Vasil.

972. Starikov Anatoli (M) – Home Address: Nozadze str. was shot.

973. Starikov Vasili (M) - was shot together with her husband


974. Stepliani Tariel (M) - 40 years old, died in bombing on the

16th of March of 1993.

975. Stoianova Galina (F) - died in bombing of the town on the

3rd of June of 1993.

976. Stoliar Vasili (M) - 63 years old, died in bombing of the

town on the 5th of April of 1993.

977. Sulaberidze Merab (M) – Home Address: #6 of the turning

of the III Highway, was killed on the 14th of August of 1992.

978. Suhko Alexandre (M) - 47 years old, died in bombing of the

town on the 6th of March of 1993.

979. Svanidze Valter, was shot.

980. Svetlana (family name unknown) (F) - died in bombing of

the town.

981. Tabatadze Vladimer (M) - 75 years old, was shot on the

28th of September of 1993.

982. Tabaghua Levars (M) - 42 years old, died in bobming of the

town on the 24th of December of 1992.

983. Tabaghua Mavra (F) - 72 years old, was shot.

984. Tabaghua Natela (F) - 39 years old,died in bombing of the

town on the 21st of December of 1992.

985. Tabaghua Sara (F) - 68 years old, was shot.

986. Tabidze Zaur (M) - Home Address: #9 Chukbari str. was

shot in his own house on the 29th of October of 1993.

987. Tabuev Geras(M) - died in the passenger plane performing

the Sochi-Sokhumi fl ight and being crashed by the occupants on the

21st of September of 1993.

988. Tamba Rima, resident of Sokhumi, was shot.

989. Tarba-Nadareishvii Lela,was shot.

990. Tavadze Tamaz (M) - 55 years old, Home Address: Tsulukidze str. was killed on the 28th of September of 1993.

991. Tavarianov (Father) name is unknown, was tortured to

death together with his son.

992. Tavarianov (Son) name is unknown, was tortured to death

together with his father.


993. Tavdgiridze Vakhtang (M) - 56 years old, Home Address:

Vaja-Pshavela str. was tortured to death in 1996.

994. Tevzaia (Name unknown), 80 years old, Home Address:

#14 Kuibishev str. A paralized person, was burnt alive in her son’s

fl at on the 27th of September of 1993.

995. Tkachenko Ivane (M) - 63 years old, died in bombing of the

town on the 3rd of May .of 1993.

996. Tkhebuchava Varvara (F) - 55 years old, was killed in

bombing of the town on the 23rd of April of 1993.

997. Tkhebuchava Tatiana (F) - was killed in bobming of the

town on the 20th of September of 1993.

998. Tkhelia Mamuka (M) – Home Address: #7 Podgornaia str.

was shot in his own house on the 25th of September fo 1993.

999. Tkhelia Zhenia (F) - was shot together with Didim Tsotsonoava, Nadejda Zarqua and Valentina Apshilava in Valentina Apshilava’s house on the 25th of September of 1993.

1000. Tkhemaladze Khuta(M) - 75 years old, was killed in August of 1994.

1001. Torchinava Ertaoz (M)- was killed on the 21st of September of 1993.

1002. Todua Dinara(F) - was killed in her own house in the Fall of 1993.

1003. Todua Natela (F) - 41 years old, Home Address: #10 Dzidzaria Lane, was shot together with Lamzira Gabrava and 5 more

neighbors on the 28th of September of 1993.

1004. Toloraia Merab (M) - was killed.

1005. Tolordava Avto (M) - was killed on the 22nd of September of 1993.

1006. Tolordava Lamara (F) - 58 years old, was killed in bombing of the town on the 2nd of December of 1993.

1007. Topuria Tamaz (M) - was arrested on the 15th of August

of 1992 in Gudauta together with Kote Gagua, Murtaz and Malkhaz

Pachkorias and all four of them were shot.

1008. Topuria Irma (F) - 47 years old, was killed in bombing of

the town on the 16th of April of 1993.

1009. Topuria Natela (F) – Home Address: Dzidzaria str. was

killed in her neghbor’s Kiria’s house together with the owner of the

house and 6 other neighbors on the 27th of September of 1993. Their

dead bodies were burnt.

1010. Topuridze Leonela (F) - 20 years old, was killed in bombing of the town on the 1st of September of 1993.

1011. Torchinava Vladimer (M) - was killed on the 21st of September of 1993.


1012. Torchua Butsa (F) - 56 years old, died in bombing of the

town on the 11th of October of 1992.

1013. Tranda

fi lidi Elene(F) – Home Address: # 144 Tbilisi Highway,

was shot together with her son – Yuri on the 21st of September of 1993.

1014. Tranda

fi lidi Yuri (M) – Home Address: #144 Tbilisi Highway, was killed together with his Mother Elene on the 21st of September of 1993.

1015. Turbina Elene Valerianis asuli, 17 years old, was killed in

bombing of the town on the 22nd of May of 1993.

1016. Turchinskaia Tatiana (F) - 79 years old, Home Address: Gulia

str. was killed in bombing of the town on the 22nd of September of 1993.

1017. Tutisani Geronti (M) - 69 year old, Home Address: #6

Komkavshiris str. was shot in his own house on the 28th of September of 1993.

1018. Tutisani Otar (M) – Home Address: Kirov str. was shot in

the village Tsebelda, on the 2nd of October of 1993.

1019. Tutisani Pavle (M) - 86 years old, Home Address: #18

Sheglova str. died on the Chuberi Pass, while forcedely leaving Abkhazia in October of 1993.

1020. Turkia Badri (M) - was forced to dig up a grave for Amiran

Dzotsenidze and his sons (Givi and Zaza) and afterwards was shot.

1021. Turkia Eleonora (F) - 47 years old, Home Address: #21

of the Turning of the III highway. On the 28th of September of 1993

was tortured to death in his own house- she was hit by a club of a

gun in the head.

1022. Tsaava Clara (F) - was shot.

1023. Tsaava Chichiko (M) - was shot.

1024. Tsaava Giorgi (M) - was shot.

1025. Tsaava Guli (F) - 41 years old, was shot.

1026. Turqkia Khuta (M) - 60 years old, was killed.

1027. Tsaava Valentina (F) – Home Address: #27 Kalinin str.

was shot in October of 1994.

1028. Tsaava Isidore (M) - was shot.

1029. Tsaava (Name unknown) - 39 years old, Home Address:

#36 Komkavshiris str. was shot on the 29th of September of 1993.

1030. Tsaguria Anzor (M) - 38 years old, Home Address: #51

Mshvidoba Avenue, was shot on the 10th of August of 1994.

1031. Tsanava Avtandil (M) – Home Address: #13 Gelovani str.

was shot.

1032. Tsanava Giorgi (M) – Home Address: #19 Gogol str. ap. #10,

was tortured to death in his own house on the 2nd of October of 1993.


1033. Tsanava Neli (F) - 55 years old, was killed in bombing of

the town on the 27th of April of 1993.

1034. Tsatava Maro (F) - 75 years old, Address; was burnt alive.

1035. Tsatsua Shalva (M) - 68 years old, Home Address: # 17

Kalinin str. was shot on the 28th of September of 1993.

1036. Tsikolia Kolia (M) - was shot.

1037. Tsinaridze Niko (M) - 71 years old, was shot before the

eyes of his wife.

1038. Tsiqarishvili Tina (F) - 55 years old, was tortured to death.

1039. Tsiskarava Tamara (F) - 82 years old, Home Address: #15

Prirechnaia str. was shot in 1994.

1040. Tsiskarishvili Tina (F) - 55 years old, Address: Eshba was

tortured to death – was beheaded on the 29th of September of 1993.

1041. Tsitlidze Zinaida (F) - 50 years old, Home Address; Eshba

str. was shot on the 28th of September of 1993.

1042. Tsivtsivadze Otar (M) – Home Address; #38 Lakoba str.

was burnt alive in his own house on the 27th of September of 1993.

1043. Tskhakaia Amiran (M) - 79 years old, Home Address: #21

Arguni str. was shot on the 29th of September of 1993.

1044. Tskhvaradze Lushura (M) - 58 years old, Home Address:

#11/11 Dzerjinski str. was shot.

1045. Tskhvediani Shota (M) - resident of Sokhumi, was shot.

1046. Tskhvimiani Raisa (F) - 47 years old, was killed in bobming of the town.

1047. Tskitishvili (Name unknown), 40 years old, was shot.

1048. Tskvitaia Qsenia (F) - 68 years old, Home Address: #28

Cheluskinelebi str. was tortured to death in his own house on the

28th of September of 1993.

1049. Tskvitaria Khoto (M) – Home Address: #2a of the Posta I turning, was killed in bombing of the town on the 3rd of May of 1993 together

with his wife Tamila Kvashilava and his wife’s brother Tengiz Kvashilava.

1050. Tsotsonava G.S. was killed in his/her own house on the

5th of August of 2005.

1051. Tsotsonava Didiko (M) - 50 years old, was burnt alive in

his own house.

1052. Tsotsonava Didim (M) - 56 years old, Home Address: #20

Zhdanov str. was shot together with his wife Zhenia Tkhelia, Nadejda

Zarqua and Valentina Abshilava on the 25th of September of 1993.

1053. Tsotsonava Dimitri (M) - 56 years old, was shot.

1954. Tsotsonava Geno (M) - was burnt in his own house.

1055. Tsotsoria Maro (F) - was shot together with Devdariani,


Jemal Dikhamindjia, Jemal Berulava and 26 other people on the 28th

of September of 1993.

1056. Tsotsoria Nora (F) - was shot.

1057. Tsveraia Alexandre (M) - 61 years old, was killed in bombing of the town on the 19th of July of 1993.

1058. Tsulaia Boris (M) - was shot in Agudzera on the 29th of

September of 1993.

1059. Tsulaia Lavrenti (M) - 63 years old, was shot.

1060. Tsurtsumia Valia (F) - 75 years old, was killed in the village Varche on the 29th of September of 1993.

1061. Tsurtsumia Ketevan (F) - was shot.

1062.Tsurtsumia Tamar (F) - was shot.

1063. Uberia Olga (F) - 72 years old, Address: Eshba str. was burnt

alive in her own house, together with her neighbor Marina Chibigina.

1064. Ugrekhelidze Edisher (M) - was shot.

1065. Ugrekhelidze Eldar (M) - was tortured to death.

1066. Ugrekhelidze Mikheil (M) – Home Address; #20 Armiis

str. was shot on the 16th of September of 1993.

1067. Ugulava Nodar (M) - 48 years old, Home Address: #44

Chavchavadze str. was shot together with his wife’s parents –

Nikoloz and Lola Chilaias on the 12th of October of 1993.

1068. Umpriani Irakli (M) - 12 years old, was killed in bombing

of the town on the 21st of April of 1993.

1069. Uzarashvili Anatoli (M) - was shot on the 27th of September of 1993.

1070. Uridia Alexandre (M) - 65 years old, was shot on the 27th

of September of 1993.

1071. Uridia Alexandre (M) - 83 eyrs old, Home Address: #50

Karl Marx str. was shot in his own house on the 27th of September

of 1993.

1072. Uridia Alexandre (M) - 70 years old, Home Address; #59

Kuibishev str. was killed on the 7th of November of 1992.

1073. Uridia Gia (M) - 83 years old, was shot in his own house

on the 27th of September of 1993.

1074. Uridia Lado (M) - 31 yeas old, Home Address: #53 Kuibishev

str. was tortured to death in November of 1993 – was choked by wire.

1075. Uridia Lala (F) - was killed in bombing of the town on the

4th of January of 1993.

1076. Uridia Neli (F) – Home Address: Karl Marx str. was shot.

1077. Uridia Svetlana (F) - 52 years old, Home Address: #49

Tarkhnishvili str. was burnt in her own house on the 28th of Septem-


ber of 1993.

1078. Usachova Valentina (F) - 4 years old, was killed in bombing of the town on the 16th of April of 1993.

1079. Uzarashvili Apolon (M) – Home Address: Khazbegi str.

was shot on the 27th fo September of 1993.

1080. Unknown - 50 years old, was killed in bombing of the town

on the 16th of April of 1993.

1081. Unknown Lola,was killed in bombing of the town on the

4th of December of 1993.

1082. Unknown Georgian Woman, was killed together with

Tamar Qobalia and Rita Arghvliani - Gerliani.

1083. Unknown Georgian Woman, was killed together with

Tamar Qobalia and Rita Arghvliani - Gerliani.

1084. Unknown, resident of Sokhumi, was killed on the 20th of

May of 1993 in bombing the town.

1085. Unknown, resident of Sokhumi, was shot together with

her relative Roza Sigua.

1086. Unknown, resident of Sokhumi, was killed in bombing of

the town on the 14 th of May of 1993.

1087. Unknown, resident of Sokhumi, was killed in bombing of

the town on the 18th of June of 1993.

1088. Unknown, resident of Sokhumi, was killed in bombing of

the town on the 18th of May of 1993.

1089. Unknown, resident of Sokhumi, was killed in bobming of

the town on the 25th of June of 1993.

1090. Unknown, resident of Sokhumi, was killed in bombing of

the town on the 25th of May of 1993.

1091. Unknown, resident of Sokhumi, was killed in bombing the town.

1092. Unknown, resident of Sokhumi, elderly Georgian man,

was shot together with Chichiko Kvekveskiri’s house together with

that latter in September of 1994.

1093. Unknown, resident of Sokhumi, elderly Geograin man,

was shot together with Chichiko Kvekveskiri’s house together with

that latter in September of 1994.

1094. Unknown, resident of Sokhumi, elderly Geograin man,

was shot together with Chichiko Kvekveskiri’s house together with

that latter in September of 1994.

1095. Unknown, resident of Sokhumi, was killed.

1096. Unknown, resident of Sokhumi, was shot on the 2nd of

October of 1992 in the town Gagra in his relative Vakhtang Shonias

house, together with Abel Shonia and unknown relative.


1097. Unknown, resident of Sokhumi, was shot on the 2nd of

October of 1992 in the town Gagra in his relative Vakhtang Shonias

house, together withb Abel Shonia and unknown relative.

1098. Unknown, resident of Sokhumi, was shot in QavtaradzeChania’s house together with three Russians and one Georgian.

1099. Unknown, resident of Sokhumi, was shot in QavtaradzeChania’s house together with three Russians and one Geogrian.

1100. Unknown, resident of Sokhumi, was shot in QavtaradzeChania’s house together with three Russians and one Geogrian.

1101. Unknown, resident of Sokhumi, was shot in QavtaradzeChania’s house together with three Russians and one Geogrian.

1102. Unknown, resident of Sokhumi, was shot together with Iza

Izoria in that latter’s house, together with Babutsa Djimsheleishvili

and four other Georgians on the 27. 09. 93.

1103. Unknown, resident of Sokhumi, was shot together with

Iza Izoria in tha latter’s house, together with Babutsa Djimsheleishvili and four other Georgians on the 27. 09. 93.

1104. Unknown, resident of Sokhumi, was shot together with

Iza Izoria in tha latter’s house, together with Babutsa Djimsheleishvili and four other Georgians on the 27. 09. 93.

1105. Unknown, resident of Sokhumi, was shot together with

Iza Izoria in tha latter’s house, together with Babutsa Djimsheleishvili and four other Georgians on the 27. 09. 93.

1106. Unknown, resident of Sokhumi, was shot together with

Iza Izoria in tha latter’s house, together with Babutsa Djimsheleishvili and four other Georgians on the 27. 09. 93.

1107. Unknown, Address: #2, 10th Lane of Dzidzaria str. was

shot together with Lamzira Gabrava and 5 other neighbors in a

Kiria’s basement on the 27th of September of 1993.

1108. Unknown, Address; #2, 10th Lane of Dzidzaria str. was

shot together with Lamzira Gabrava and 5 other neighbors in a

Kiria’s basement on the 27th of September of 1993.

1109. Unknown,Address: #2, 10th Lane of Dzidzaria str. was shot

together with Lamzira Gabrava and 5 other neighbors in a Kiria’s

basement on the 27th of September of 1993.

1110. Unknown, Address; #2, 10th Lane of Dzidzaria str. was

shot together with Lamzira Gabrava and 5 other neighbors in a

Kiria’s basement on the 27th of September of 1993.

1111. Vacheishvili Beguli (M) – Home Address; #23 Dzigua str.

was shot in his own house on the 28th of September of 1993.

1112. Vacheishvili Zurab (M) – Home Address: #24/11 Chochua


str. was shot in his own house on the 27th of September of 1993.

1113. Vadachkoria Tengiz (M) - was killed together with anm

Abkhazian nationality a Vova, who was trying to defend him.

1114. Vakhania (Name unknown),Tsinara Vakhania’s niece,

7 years old, Batumi str. was shot together with her aunt Tsinara

Vakhania in August of 1994.

1115. Vakhania Tsinara (F) - 52 years old, was shot in her own

house together with her 7 year old neice in August of 1994.

1116. Vatiakova-Todua Larisa (F) – Home Address: #56 turning

of Energetics str. died in bombing fo the town on the 2nd of September of 1993.

1117. Vazdeliani Gelakhsan (M) - Home Address: #39 Eshba

str. was shot in his own house on the 21st of September of 1993.

1118. Vekua Ipolite (M) - 72 years old, #184/19 Kirov str. was

tortured to death in September fo 1993.

1119. Vekua Nikoloz (M) – Home Address: #56 Kiarazi str. ap.41.

died in bombing of the town on the 17th of July of 1993.

1120. Vekua Sergo (M) - 45 years old,died in bombing of the

town on the 28th of September of 1993.

1121. Vekua Valentina (F) – Home Address: #51 Satransporto

str. was shot in her own house on the 28th of September of 1993.

1122. Vekua-Narmania Tatiana (M) – Home Address: #54/41

Kiarazi str.died in bombing of the town on the 10th of July of 1993.

1123. Vera (family name unknown) (F) - was killed in September of 1993 together with spouses Zinaida and Indiko in the house

of that latter.

1124. Vilson Alexsi (M) - was killed in September of 1993.

1125. Vova (Family name unknown) (M) – of Abkhazian nationality, Tengiz Vadachkoria’s neighbor, was killed together with Tengiz

Vadachkoria, when he tried to help that latter.

1126. Zadikiani Avet (M) - 43 years old, died in bombing of the town.

1127. Zanturiani Serguni (M) - 70 years old,died in bombing of

the town on the 28th of April of 1993.

1128. Zaqaraia Ghughuni (M) - 72 years old, was tortured to

death at his own house on the 27th of September of 1993.

1129. Zaqradze Giorgi (Zhora) (M) – Home Address; #25 Titov

str. bedridden patient, was shot together with his brother Guram on

the 27th of September fo 1993. Together with them died Alexandre

Djabua from the multiple wounds being made by the knife.

1130. Zaqradze Guram (M) - Home Address: #25 Titov str. was shot

together with his brother bedridden patient on the 27th of September of


1993. Alexandre Djabua died together with them from the multiple wounds.

1131. Zaqradze Shota (M) - was shot on the Titov str. together

with 15 Georgians.

1132. Zaratiadi Luba (F) - died in bombing of the town on the 9th

of May of 1993.

1133. Zarandia Alexandre (M) - 58 years old, was shot.

1134. Zarmainian Ivarta (F) - 52 years old, died in bombing of

the town on the 1st of December of 1993.

1135. Zarqua Alexandre (M) - 60 years old, Home Address; #7

Batumi str. the 6th Lane, was shot in the village Tsebelda during his

stay on vacation in the Samushia family together with Tariel, Nutsa

and Lamara Samushias and their sister-in-law Guli Kalandia-Pipia

and her 15 year old son Davit on the 31st of October of 1993.Their

dead bodies were burnt.

1136. Zarqua Badri (M) – Home Address: #268 Mshvidoba Avenue, was shot on the 27th of October of 1993.

1137. Zarqua Givi (M) - 60 years old, Address: #58 Dzidzaria str.

was shot on the 27th of September of 1993.

1138. Zarqua Nadejda (F) - 78 years old, Address: #12 Zhdanov

str. was shot together with Zhenia Tkhelia, Didim Tsotsonava and Valentina Abshilava in her own house on the 25th of September of 1993.

1139. Zhiltsova Ela (F) - 64 years old, was killed in bobming of

the town in August of 1993.

1140. Zoidze Sergo (M) - was killed in his own house.

1141. Zoidze Soso (M) - 37 years old,Address: #88 Gelovani str.

was shot in his own house on the 19th of September of 1993.

1142. Zurabishvili Zurab (M) - was tortured to death.

1143. Zukhbaia Natela (F) - was shot in her own house on the

12th of September of 1993.

1144. Zherdetskaia Ludmila (F) – Home Address: Nozadze str.

deid in a passanger plane crhashed by the separatists on the 21st of

September of 1993.

1145. Zhvania Luiza (F) - was killed in bombing of the town on

the 25th of June of 1993.

1146. Zhvania Teimuraz (M) - 55 years old, Address: #104

Leselidze str. was shot in October of 1993.

1147. Zhvania Raul (M) - 54 years old, was killed in bobming of

the town on the 14th of January of 1993.

1148. Zvedonuk Valentina (F) - 67 years old, died in bombing of

the town on the 16th of March of 1993.

District of Sokhumi

412 persons, 99 women and 313 men




Village Abzhakhva (1993)

1 person

1. Lukava Giorgi (M) - 61 years old, resident of the village

Abzhakhva, was shot in his own house in October of 1993.





Village Achadara (1993)

Resident sof the village (42 persons, Age: from 17 to 86)

Out of 42 persons 14 persons died in bombing of the village,

2 persons tripped the mine, 1 bedridden patient was killed in

her bed, others were shot and killed.

2. Azaladze Gugusha (F) - 40 years old, was shot.

3. Azaladze Roman (M) - 33 years old, stepped on the mine

planted by the occupants.

4. Azaladze Zurab (M) - 37 years old, was died in March of 1993

in bombing of the village.

5. Beria Zhora (M) - 56 years old, was shot in his own house and

his corpse was burnt.

6. Chabrava Ladiko (M) - 65 years old, was shot on the 19th of

September of 1993.

7. Danelia Nodar (M) - 56 years old, died in bombing of the village.

8. Emartov Ivane (M) - 68 years old, died in bombing of the village Achadara in September of 1993.

9. Gabiskiria Khvicha (M) - 17 years old, was killed on the 17th

of March of 1993.

10. Goderidze Benia (M) - 41 years old, was killed in the village

Birtskha on the 29th of September of 1993.

11. Goderidze Davit (M) - 82 years old, was shot on the 18th of

October of 1993.

12. Gvasalia Dodo (W) - 51 years old, died in bombing of the

village in March of 1993.

13. Gvazava Aliosha(M) - 57 years old, was killed.

14. Kalandia Meliton (M) - 70 years old, died in bombing of the


village in October of 1993.

15. Khupenia Murman (M) - 27 years old, was shot.

16. Khundjgurua Irod (M) - 71 years old,was shot.

17. Kirtskhalia Nina (W) - a disabled person, was shot in her

own bed in the Fall of 1993.

18. Korsava Malkhaz (M) - 32 years old, died in bombing of the

village in September of 1993.

19. Mikava Lutsia (F) - 67 years old, was shot in September of 1993.

20. Mikava Polikarpe (M) - 86 years old, was shot in September

of 1993.

21. Pachulia Brolisa (F) - 38 years old, died in bombing of the

village in September of 1993.

22. Qardava Akaki (M) - 57 years old, was shot in September

of 1993.

23. Qardava Eter (F) - 53 years old, died in bombing of the village on the 16th of March of 1993.

24. Qardava Marina (F) - 49 years old, was killed in bombing of

the village on the 6th of December of 1993.

25. Qardava Meliton (M) - 69 years old, was shot in September

of 1993.

26. Qobalia Merab (M) - was shot in his own house on the 16th

of September of 1993.

27. Qardava Tamara (F) - 68 years old, died on the Svaneti Passing, when she was forcedely leaving Abkhazia in October of 1993.

28. Qobalia Shalva (M) - 79 years old, was shot in September

of 1993.

29. Rukhaia Jujuna (F) - 38 years old, died in bombing of the

village in September of 1993.

30. Shatirishvili Nugzar (M) - 60 (or 48) years old, died in bombing the village in 1993.

31. Shomakhia Apolon (M) - 57 years old, was shot.

32. Tabatadze Geronti (M) - 55 years old, was shot in September of 1993.

33. Tibua Demur (M) - 40 years old, died on the Passing of

Svaneti, when he was forcedely leaving Abkhazia in October of 1993.

34. Tibua Shalva (M) - was shot on the 21st of September of 1993.

35. Tibua Valeri (M) - 68 years old, was killed in bombing of the

village in 1993.

36. Todua Anzor (M) - 43 years old, was shot in his own house

on the 6th of October of 1993.

37. Todua Boris (M) - 59 years old, was killed on the 19th of


September of 1993.

38. Todua Genadi (M) - 69 years old, died on the 6th of October

of 1993.

39. Todua Valeri (M) - 35 years old, died in bombing of the village.

40. Tsanava Gocha (M) - 50 years old, was killed in bombing

the village.

41. Tsirdava Boris (M) - 57 years old,died in bombing of the village.

42.Tsulaia Nino (F) - stepped on the mine planted by the separatists.

43. Zaqaraia Davit (M) - 27 years old, died in bombing of the village in September of 1993.





Akhali Sopeli (1993)

Residents of the village (26 persons, Age: from 1 to 83)

Out 26 persons 1 woman was tortured to death, 1 died in

bombing,1 died on the Svaneti Passing, others were shot.

44. Basaria Mikheil (M) - 75 years old, was shot.

45. Beria Aleksandre (M) - 63 years old, was shot.

46. Chanturia Klimenti (M) - 69 years old, was shot on the 30th

of September of 1993.

47.Chkhetiani Ruben (M)- 69 years old, was shot on the 30th of

September of 1993.

48. Djishkariani Vladimer (M) - 70 years old, was shot on the

27th of September of 1993.

49. Dzidzaria Shedeli (M) - 54 years old, was shot on the 28th of

September of 1993.

50. Gobedjishvili Giorgi (M) - 60 years old, was tortured to

death on the 30th of September of 1993.

51. Gvaramia Zurab dze(M) - was shot.

52. Gogua Apolon (M) -1 years old, died on the 26th of September of 1993 in bombing.

53. Kakulia Djondo (M) - 64 years old, died on the Svaneti Passing while forcedely leaving Abkahzia in October of 1993.

54. Gogua Nanuli (F) - 57 years old, was shot in 1993.

55. Gogua- Akhalia Nadia (F) - 83 years old, was shot in 1993.

56. Gogua - Zhrova Margarita (F) - 64 years old, was shot in 1993.

57. Kartozia Amiran (M) - 63 years old, was shot on the 6th of

October of 1993.

58. Kekelia Zaur (M) - 47 years old, was shot on the 29th of September of 1993.


59. Kurdghelia Giorgi (M) - was shot on the 30th of September

of 1993.

60. Patsatsia Alexsandre (M) - 72 years old,was shot on the

15th of September of 1994.

61. Patsatsia Givi (M) - 51 years old, was shot on the 15th of

November of 1993.

62. Patsatsia Omar (M) - 65 years old, was shot on the 29th of

September of 1993.

63.Patsatsia Venera (F) - was shot in 1993.

64. Sikharulidze Zurab (M) - was shot in 1993.

65. Shamugia Gia (M) - 38 years old, was shot in 1993.

66. Shamugia Vera (F) - 62 years old, was tortured to death in 1993.

67. Zaqaraia Lado (M) - 75 years old, was shot in 1993.

68. Zaqaraia Lali (F) - 72 years old, was shot on the 28th of September of 1993.

69. Zaqaraia Tamar (F) - 75 years old, was shot in 1993.





Village Akhalsheni (1993)

Residents of the village (10 persons, Age: from 60 to 75)

Out of 10 persons 4 were tortured to death through burying alive, others were shot.

70. Adeishvili Nazi (F) - was shot in September of 1993.

71. Alania Pepia (M) - 60 years old, was tortured to death in

Summer of 1993 together with S. Chapandze – they were forced to

dig up the pit and were buried there alive.

72. Bolkvadze Maro (F) - 70 years old, was shot together with

her husband Shalva in May of 1993. .

73. Bolkvadze Shalva (M) - 75 years old, was shot together with

his wife Maro in May of 1993.

74. Chaladze Vasil (M) - 68 years old, was tortured to death together with Sergo Mushkudiani on the 4th of July of 1993 – they were

forced to dig up a pit, bury their fellow villagers being shot before

and then they were shot.

75. Chapandze S. (U) resident of the village Akhalsheni, was tortured to death together with Pepia Alania in Summer of 1993 – they

were forced to dig up the pit and then were buried alive.

76. Djulakhadze Babilo (M) - was shot in Summer of 1993.

77. Mushkudiani Sergo (M) - was tortured to death together

with Vasil Chaladze on the 4th of July of 1993 – they were forced to


dig up a pit, bury their fellow villagers being shot before and then

they were shot.

78. Sanikidze Robert (M) - was shot in Summer of 1993.

79. Tskhvaradze Sergei (M) - 62 years old, was shot in May of 1993.

Village Akapha (1993)

Residents of the village (2 persons)

Out of 2 persons 1 was tortured to death.

80. Aronia Zina (F) - was shot in the village Tsebelda.

81. Belqania Boris (M) - 40 years old, was tortured to death on

the 1st of October of 1993.





Village Besleti (1993)

Residents of the village (64 Persons, Age: from 7 to 102)

Out of 64 persons 8 were tortured to death through burning alive, making a horizontal shalsh at the throat (the socalled Columbian tie), among the tortured 1 person was disabled, 6 persons died in bombing of the village,others were

shot and killed.

82. Adamia Levan (M) - 73 years old, was shot on the 4th of

October of 1993

83. Baghaturia Boris (M) - 59 years old, was shot on the 27th of

September of 1993.

84. Bandzeladze Dadashi (M) - 56 years old, was killed in bombing of the village on the 16th of September of 1993.

85. Berulava Alexandre (M) - 81 years old, Home Address:#54

Besleti str. was shot in his own house on the 29th of September of 1993.

86. Berulava Boris (M) - 51 years old, was shot in his own house

on the 5th of October of 1993. His dead body was burnt.

87. Berulava Fedosia (F) - was shot in her own house on the

30th of September of 1993.

88. Berulava Givi (Guli) (M) - 47 years old, was killed together

with his wofe Nazi in bombing of the village on the 19th of September

of 1993.

89. Berulava Gugusha (F) - 57 years old, Home Address: II

Besleti str. was taken down from the bus during the process of deportation and was shot before the eyes of his Mother and others.


90. Berulava Konstantine (Lome) (M) - 53 years old, was tortured to death together with his Father Mikheil and brother Nodar on

the 30th of September of 1993

91. Berulava Lavrenti (M) - 71 years old, Home Address: #92

Besleti str. was shot on the 27th of September of 1993.

92. Berulava Nazi (F) - 44 years old, was killed in bombing together with his husband Givi on the 19th of September of 1993.

93. Berulava Mikheil (M) - 75 years old,retired disabled person,

was tortured to death together with his sons Konstantine and Nodar

on the 30th of September of 1993.

94. Berulava Nodar (M) - 53 years old, was tortured to death

together with his Father Mikheil and broter Konstantine (Lome) on

the 30th of September of 1993.

95. Berulava Vakhtang (Khuta) (M) - 59 years old, Home

Address:Abzhakhva str. was shot.

96. Chachanidze Mediko (F) - 26 years old, was killed in bombing of the village.

97. Dardjania Gusju (M) - 65-68 years old, was burnt alive in his

on house on the 5th of October of 1993.

98. Dartsimelia Badri (M) - was killed in bombing of the village

on the 30th of September of 1993.

99. Davitaia Avtandil (M) - 60 years old, was shot on the 27th of

September of 1993 and then his dead body was burnt.

100. Djalaghonia Konstantine (M) - was shot on the 21st of

September of 1993.

101 . Djalaghonia Leonti (M) - 61 eyars old, Head of the building

company of Sokhumi was humiliated and tortured to death on the

29th of September of 1993.

102. Djalaghonia Nodar (M) - 57 years old, was shot on the 29th

of September of 1993.

103. Gakharia Vasil (M) - 69 years old, was humiliated and tortured to death on the 30th of September of 1993 – his teeth and nails

were pulled out.

104. Gelashvili Sergo (M) - 73 years old, was shot on the 28th of

September of 1993.

105. Ghvindjilia Tamar (F) - 65 years old, was shot together with

her husband Varlam in October of 1993.

106. Ghvindjilia Valter (M) - 20 years old, was killed in bombing

of the village in August of 1992.

107. Ghvindjilia Varlam (M) - 67 years old, was shot together

with his wife Tamar in October of 1993.


108. Guchua Megona (M) - 79 years old, was shot on the 8th of

October of 1993.

109. Kalandia Amiran (M) - was shot.

110. Kalandia Sharden (M) - was shot.

111. Kalandia Valentina (F) - 56 years old, was shot on the 29th

of September of 1993.

112. Kalandia Vladimer (M) - was shot on the 29th of September

of 1993.

113. Kalandia Zhora (M) - 78 years old, was killed on the 17th of

January of 2005.

114. Kapanadze Ivane (M) - 102 years old,was shot on the 29th

of September of 1993.

115. Kapanadze Ruben (M) - 54 years old,was tortured to death

- was killed by slashing at the throat (Columbian tie).

116. Kharaishvili Zaqaria (M) - 71 years old, was killed on the

4th of November of 1993

117.Kharaishvili Lena (F) - 66 years old, was killed on the 4th of

Novmeber of 1993.

118. Khorava Guram (M) - was shot together with Klara Khorava

on the 27th of September of 1993 – their corpses were burnt.

119. Khorava Klara (F) - 59 years old, was shot together with Guram Khorava on the 27th of September of 1993 – Their corpses were


120. Kokaia Zhora (M) - 54 years old, was burnt alive in his own

house on the 29th of September of 1993.

121. Kopaliani Eliso (F) - 13 years old, was killed in bombing of

the village together with her Mother Gulnara Chaladze on the 3rd o

July of 1993.

122. Kopaliani –Chaladze Gulnara (F) - was killed in bombing of

the village together with her daughter - Eliso on the 3rd of July of 1993.

123. Lomidze Zagel (M) - 33 years old, was shot on the 22nd of

September of 1993.

124. Machavariani Giorgi (M) - was shot on the 30th of September of 1993.

125. Machavariani Mukhran (M) - was shot on the 30th of September of 1993.

126. Melashvili Sergo (M) - was shot.

127. Metreveli Elgudja(M) - 54 years old,was shot together with

Grigol Mushkhudiani on the 28th of September of 1993.

128. Mushkudiani Grigol (Velodi) (M) - 51-54 years old, was

shot together wioth Elgudja Metreveli.


129. Mushkudiani Guram (M) - 51 years old, was shot in his

own house on the 28th of September of 1993.

130. Pipia Emir (M) - 7 years old, was killed in bombing of the

village on the 6th of May of 1993.

131. Pipia Nikoloz (M) - 62 years old, was shot together with his

grandson Nugzar on the 29th of September of 1993.

132. Pipia Nugzar Yuri (M) - 17 years old, was shot together

with his Grandfather Nikoloz on the 29th of September of 1993.

133.Qaraia Arvelodi (M) - 55 years old, was shot on the 29th of

September of 1993.

134. Pirtskhalava Murman (M) - 48 years old,was shot in September of

135. Rukhadze Neli (F) - 48 years old, was shot on the 30th of

September of 1993.

136. Rukhadze Omar (M) - was short on the 30th of September

of 1993.

137. Rukhaia Alexandre (M) - 61 years old, was shot on the 30th

of September of 1993.

138. Rtskhiladze Avtandil (M) - 59 years old, was shot on the

20th of September of 1993.

139. Shubitidze Vaja (M) - 58 years old, was shot.

140. Tabatadze Enguri (M) - was shot on the 29th of September

of 1993.

141. Tabatadze Mogeli (M) - 14 years old, was killed in bombing

of the village.

142. Todua Asmat (F) - 29 years old,was shot on the 30th of

September of 1993.

143. Tsertsvadze Vano (M) - 61 years old, was shot on the 28th

of October of 1993.

144. Tsinaridze Nikoloz (M) was shot.

145. Turin Yuri (M) - 30 years old, lived in Alexandre Berulava’s

house, was shot on the 30th of September of 1993.





Village Birtskha (1993)

Residents of the village (7 persons, Age: from 37 to 55)

1 person was shot, others died in bombing of the village.

146. Beltadze Ushangi (M) - 51 years old, resident of the village

Birtskha, was killed in bombing of the village on the 22nd of September of 1993.


147. Chachanidze Mediko (F) - 37 years old, resident of the village

Birtskha, was killed in bombing of the village on the 6th of May of 1993.

148. Dartsmelia Badri (M) - was killed in bombing of the village

on the 16th of March of 1993.

149. Kharaishvili Tina (F) - 38 years old, died in her own house

in boming of the village on the 25th of Septemebr of 1993.

150. Kharaishvili Shota (M) - was shot on the 29th of September

of 1993.

151. Pipia Emir (M) - resident of the village Birtskha, was killed

in bombing of the village on the 16th of March of 1993.

152. Qadjaia Bagrat (M) - 55 years old, resident of the village

Birtskha, was killed in bombing of the village on the 28th of September of 1993.





Village Gumista (1993)

Residents of the village (34 persons)

Out of 34 persons 2 persons were tortured to death 1 after

humiliation, 4 persons tripped the mine, 5 persons died in

bombing of the village, others were shot.

153. Akobia-Mirtskhulava Zhenia(F) - stepped on the mine

planted by the occupants.

154. Akopian Melikhan (M) - was killed in bombing of the village.

155. Baghishvili Varlam (M) - 79 years old, was killed in bombing of the village.

156. Bendeliani Davit (M) - stepped on the mine planted by the


157. Bukia Jemal (M) - was shot.

158. Bukia Lia (F) - was killed in bombing of the village.

159. Bukia Nazi (F) - was shot.

160. Danelia Nodar (M) - 56 years old,was killed in bombing of

the village in March of 1993

161. Djandjghava Aliosha (M) - 59 years old, was shot together

with his wife Makhvala in October of 1993.

162. Djandjghava Eteri (F) - 56 years old, was shot in September of 1993.

163. Djandjghava Makhvala (F) - 57 years old, was shot together with her husband Aliosha in October of 1993.

164. Gakharia Mikheil (M) - 69 years old, was tortured ot death

in his own house on the 30th of September of 1993.


165. Gachechiladze Maguli (F) 56 years old, resident of the village Gumista, Gumista Block of Flats, App.N 4, was shot on the 27th

of September of 1993.

166. Gvaramia Aliosha (M) - 57 years old, resident of the village

Gumista, was shot in his own house in March of 1993.

167. Kankia Vladimer (Valodia) (M) - 95 years old, resident of

the village Gumista, was killed in bombing of the village in September of 1993.

168. Kharamanian Anush (F) - resident of the village Gumsita,

was killed in bombing of the village.

169. Khuntsaria Avtandil (M) - 58 years old, resident of the village Gumista, was shot.

170. Khuntsaria Vakhtang (M) - 60 years old, resident of the

village Gumista, was shot.

171. Khuntsaria Fridon (M) - 34 years old, resident of the village

Gumista, was shot in September of 1993.

172. Kurdghelia Svetlana (F) - resident of the village Gumista,

tripped the mine laid by the occupants.

173. Milorava Abesalom (Shota), (M) - 65 years old, resident of

the village Gumista, was shot together with his wife and daughter Nato.

174. Milorava Nato Abesalomis (Shota), (M) - 39 years old,

resident of the village Gumista, was shot together with her parents.

175. Milorava Nugzar (M) - an actor of the sign and dance state

ansamble of Abkhazia, resident of the village Gumista, was shot.

176. Milorava-Qadaria, (U), 60 years old, wife of Abesalom (Shota) Milorava, was shot together with her husband and daughter Nato.

177. Nachkhebia Grisha(M) - 63 years old, resident of the village Gumista,in September of 1993 tripped the mine being layed by

the occupants.

178. Pataraia Abel, 62 years old, resident of the village Gumista,

was shot in 1993.

179. Pichkhaia Zurab (Zaur) (M) - 34 years old, resident of the

village Gumista, was killed in bombing of the village on the 16th of

March of 1993.

180. Revishvili Qartlos, resident of the village Gumista, was

killed in bombing of the village in March of 1993.

181. Shatirishvili Nugzar (M) - resident of the village Gumista,

was killed in bombing of the village.

182. Shengelia Iason (M) - resident of the village Gumista, was shot.

183. Tsaava Ilarion (M) - resident of the village Gumista, tripped

the mine laid by the occupants.


184. Tsaava Shalva (M) - 63 years old, resident of the village

Gumista, was shot.

185. Zantaraia Gela (M) - 59 years old, resident of the village

Gumista, was shot.

186. Zaqaraia Vladimer (M) - 74 years old, resident of the village Gumista, was humiliated and tortured to death in September

of 1993.





Village Gvarda (1992 – 1993)

Residents of the village (2 persons, Age 26 and 67)

Both of them were shot.

187. Bendeliani Davit (M) - 67 years old, resident of the viallge

Gvarda, was shot on the 30th of September of 1993.

188. Chaklov Alik (M) - 26 years old, resident of the village

Gvarda, was shot on the 16th of September of 1992.

Village Iashtkhva (1993)

Residents of the village (20 persons, Age: from 55 to 87)

Out of 20 persons 15 were cruelly tortured to death

through cutting the breasts and arms, jugulating, hanging

upside down, setting ablaze and burning alive, 2 women

were raped and tortured and shot, 1 woman committed a

suicide after being raped, a 87 year old woman was tortured

through tying to the bed and setting ablaze, among the tortured persons one is a bedridden patient.

189. Baramia Akaki (M) - was locked in her own house together

with her family members- Lamara, Ana and Domenik and after being

cruelly tortured were burnt in March of 1993.

190. Baramia Ana, (F) - was locked in her own house together

with her family members- Lamara, Domenik and Akaki and after being cruelly tortured were burnt in March of 1993.

191. Baramia Domenik(M) - was locked in her own house together with her family members- Lamara, Ana and Akaki and after

being cruelly tortured were burnt in March of 1993.

192. Baramia Lamara (F) - was locked in her own house together with her family members - Ana, Domenik and Akaki and after

being cruelly tortured were burnt in March of 1993.


193. Chilaia Lola (F) - was killed together with her husband


194. Chilaia Nikoloz (M) - was killed together with her wife Lola.

195. Gachechiladze Tina (F) - 54 years old, was raped and tortured to death in October of 1993 – her breast and arms were cut off.

196. Goginava Olga (F) - was humilitated and tortured and then

burnt alive on the 29th of September of 1993.

197. Kvantaliani Nikoloz(M) - was tortured to death and then

burnt in his own house on the 26th of September of 1993.

198. Kvaratskhelia Nina (F) - was raped and then shot.

199. Iobashvili Grigori (M) - 55 years old, was shot on the 28th

of September of 1993.

200. Oqrochelidze Tina (F) - 72 years old, was tortured to death –

was jugulated, hanged upside down and fi red from the machine gun.

201. Partsvania Natela (F) - was tortured to death together with

her husband Shalva – they were tied with wire and then burnt alive.

202. Partsvania Shalva (M) - was tortured to death together with

his wife Natela – they were tied with the wire and burnt alive.

203. Pkhakadze Shaliko (M) - was cruelly tortured and then shot

together with his wife Zhenia in October of 1993.

204. Pkhakadze Zhenia (F) - was cruelly tortured and then shot

together with her husband Shaliko.

205.Qiria Valentina (F) - 85 years old, was raped and after being tortured committed a suicide – hanged herself on the 5th of October of 1993.

206. Sulakadze Mariam (F) - 87 years old, was tortured to death -

she was tied to her bed, wetted with Vodka, set ablaze and burnt alive.

207. Torchinava Ertaoz (M) - resident of the village Iashtkhva,

was tortured to death on the 28th fo September of 1993 - was jugulated and burnt together with his house.

208. Torchinava Khuntuli(M) - bedridden seriously ill patient,

was tortured to death on the 28th of September of 1993 – then was

shot and burnt.






Village Kaman (1993)

Residents of the village (13 persons, Age: from 26 to 83)

Out of 13 persons 4 were tortured to death, others were shot.

209. Belov Ivane (M) - was shot on the 5th of July of 1993.

210. Chkhetiani Valo (M) - 70 years old, was tortured to death

together with Sergo Mushkhudiani – they were forced to dig up the


pit and bury the people being shot in the Taman church - afterwards

both of them were killed.

211. Father Andria (Khurashvili) (M) - 26 years old, monk –

priest of the Kaman church, was humiliated and then shot in the

Kaman church on the 5th of July of 1993.

212. Gamsakhurdia Alexandre (Murik) (M) - 30 years old, was

shot together with his wife Meri Pakeliani in the Kaman Church in

September of 1993.

213. Iashvili Sonia (F) - was shot together with her husband

Leqso Tabatadze.

214. Iliadi Khristo (M) - 68 years old, was burnt alive on the 9th

of July of 1993.

215. Iliadi Konstantine (M) - of Greek nationality, 83 years old,

was shot.

216. Khionidi Kuzma (M) - 78 years old,(of Greek nationality),

was killed in bombing of the village.

217. Khristopulo Kostia (M) - (of Greek nationality), 60 years

old, was burnt in his own house.

218. Kvitsiani Egnate (M) - 65 years old, was shot together with

his fellow villagers in the Kaman church.

219. Mushkudiani Sergo (M) - 70 years old, was tortured to

death together with Valiko Chkhetiani - they were forced to dig up a

pit, burry the people being shot in the Kaman church and afterwards

they were shot.

220. Pakeliani Meri (F) - 35 years old, was killed together with

her husband Alexandre Gamsakhurdia in the Kaman church in September of 1993.

221. Tabatadze Leqso (M) - 63 years old, was shot together with

his wife Sonia Iashvili.





Village Kelasuri (1993)

Residents of the village (26 persons, Age: from 15 to 92)

Out of 26 persons 4 were tortured to death, hearts of the 2

persons were cut out and fed to the dogs. Others were shot.

222. Belqania Dorote (M) - 48 years old, was tortured and then

burnt together with his wife Klara Cheminava on the 2nd of October

of 1993.

223. Bendeliani Lavrenti (M) - 79 years old, was shot on the 29th

of September of 1993.


224. Cheminava Klara (F) - 53 years old,was locked in her

house together with her husband Dorote Belqania and burnt.

225. Davituliani Terenti (M) - 82 years old,died crossing the

Svaneti Pass, when he forcedely leaving Abkhazia in October of 1993.

226. Gogua Ermile (M) - was shot.

227.Gogua Giorgi (M) - was shot.

228. Gogua Zurab (M) - 33 years old, was shot in February of


229. Kalandia-Pipia Guli (F) - 60 years old, on the 31st of October of 1993 was tortured to death together with her husband Irodion

Pipia (whose heart was cut out and thrown to the dogs), son Davit,

Garnile, Nutsa and Lamara Samushias and Alexandre Zarqua.

230. Kopaliani Anzor (M) - 57 years old, was shot in his own

house after being cruelly tortured on the 5th of April of 1993.

231. Kopaliani Boris (M) - 56 years old, was shot.

232. Kopaliani Kapiton (Kapito) (M) - 75 years old, was shot

after being cruelly tortured on the 29th of September of 1993.

233. Kopaliani Klavdia (F) - was shot on the 2nd of October of


234. Kopaliani Valeri (M) - resident of the village Kelasuri,disabled

person of the II group, was shot after being cruelly tortured.

235. Kopaliani Valeri (M) - 38 years old,was taken captive in the

village Lekukhona and shot on the 20th of September of 1993.

236. Kopaliani Vera (F) - 37 years old,was shot on the 29th of

September of 1993.

237. Kopaliani Vladimer (M) - 60 years old, was shot.

238. Khurashvili Babutsa (F) - 58 years old, was shot in her

own house in 1996.

239. Liparteliani Zhora (M) - 45 years old, was shot on the 27th

of September 1993.

240. Liparteliani Grisha (M) - was shot.

241. Mataradze Valiko (M) - 52 years old, was shot on the 29th

of September of 1993.

242. Mushkhudiani Ucha (M) - was shot in his own house.

243. Pipia Davit (M) - 15 years old, was killed on the 31st of October of 1993 together with his Mother Guli Kalandia–Pipia, Father

Irodion Pipia and 4 other Georgians.

244. Pipia Irodion (M) - 63 years old,was tortured to death (his

heart was cut out and thrown to the dogs) on the 31st of October of

1993 together with his wife Guli Kalandia–Pipia, son Davit, Garnile,

Nutsa, Lamara Samushias and Alexandre Zarqua.


245. Shelia Irakli (M) - 63 years old, was killed in bombing of the

village on the 26th of September of 1993.

246. Tsaava Alexandra (F) - 92 years old, resident of the village

Kelasuri, was shot and then burnt together with her son Kharaman

on the 1st of October of 1993.

247. Tsaava Kharaman (M) - 63 years old, resident of the village

Kelasuri, was shot and then burnt together with his mother Alexandra on the 1st of October of 1993.






Village Lindava (1993)

Residents of the village (18 persons, Age: from 25 to 96)

Out of 18 persons 2 persons were tortured to death

trhough burning alive, crushing the bones of the legs, 4 persons were shot and then burnt, 1 person died in bombing, 1

person died on the Chuberi Pass, others were shot.

248. Aslanikashvili Robert (M) - 47 years old, was shot.

249. Gogua Giorgi (M) - 67 years old, was killed in bombing of

the village on the 29th of September of 1993.

250. Gogua Marina (F) - 96 years old, was burnt alive on the 5th

of October of 1993.

251. Miqaia Kiko (M) - was shot and then burnt.

252. Miqaia Nodar (M) - was shot and then burnt.

253. Mushkudiani Karlo (M) - was tortured to death – his legs

were boken to pieces and afterwards he was shot.

254. Parulava Paliko (M) - 62 years old, was shot on the 14th of

October of 1993.

255. Sulaberidze – Ugrekhelidze Aneta (F) - 90 years old, was


256. Ugrekhelidze Ana (F) - bedridden invalid, was shot in her

own bed.

257. Ugrekhelidze Aqvsenti (M) - 70 years old, was shot in

September of 1993.

258. Ugrekhelidze Enver (M) - 58 years old, was shot in September of 1993.

259. Ugrekhelidze Grigol (M) - 65 years old, was shot.

260. Ugrekhelidze Grisha (M) - was shot and then burnt together with his sons Zviad and Giorgi.

261. Ugrekhelidze Luba (F) - 79 years old, died crossing the

Svaneti Pass while forcedely leaving Abkhazia in 1993.


262. Ugrekhelidze Nikoloz (M) - 68 years old, was shot.

263. Ugrekhelidze Otar (M) - 65 years old, was shot.

264. Ugrekhelidze Shura (F) - 60 years old, was shot.

265. Ugrekhelidze Zviad (M) - was shot and then burnt together

with Grisha and Giorgi.





Village Odishi (1993)

Residents of the village (29 persons, Age: from 50 to 73)

Out of 26 persons 2 were tortured to death through burning

alive, others were shot.

266. Aigro Iugo (M) - 50 years old, was shot in 1993.

267. Anastasiadi Elizaveta (F) - 60 years old, was shot in September of 1993.

268. Anastasiadi Meri (F) - 50 years old, in November of 1993

was shot and then burnt in his own house together with his family

members and neighbors hiding in his house (Altogether 14 persons).

269. Akhvlediani Akaki (M) - was shot.

270. Chikviladze Bagrat (M) - 56 years old, was shot in July of 1993.

271. Gobedjishvili Venedi (M) - 60 years old, was shot.

272. Kostiuk Feodor (M) - was shot on the 17th of September

of 1993.

273. Lobzhanidze Valiko (M) - 78 years old, was burnt in his

own house in 1993.

274. Maisuradze Niko (M) - 54 years old, was shot on the 17th

of September of 1993.

275. Maisuradze Nikoloz (M) - 59 years old, was burnt in his

own house on the 30th of September of 1993.

276. Maisuradze Nina (F) - 68 years old, was killed as a result of

an artillery round on the 20th of July of 1993.

277. Maisuradze Shota (M) - 58 years old, was killed in bombing

of the village.

278. Mindiashvili Iasha (M) - 63 years old, was shot on the 17th

of September of 1993.

279. Miqaia Omekh (M) - 51 years old, was shot in September

of 1993.

280. Pantelidi Konstantin (M) - 58 years old, was shot in September of 1993.

281. Pavlidi Niko (M) - resident of the village Odishi, was shot

together with two unknown Georgians. Their dead bodies were


burnt together with the house.

282. Unknown person (of Georgian nationality), was shot in

NIko Pavlidi’s house together with Niko and one more unknown


283. Unknown person - (of Georgian nationality) was shot in

NIko Pavlidi’s house together with Niko and one more unknown


284. Unknown person, in November of 1993 was shot and then

burnt in Meri Anastasiadi’s house together with 13 neighbors hiding

in Meri’s house.

285. Unknown person, in November of 1993 was shot and then

burnt in Meri Anastasiadi’s house together with 13 neighbors hiding

in Meri’s house.

286. Unknown person, in November of 1993 was shot and then

burnt in Meri Anastasiadi’s house together with 13 neighbors hiding

in Meri’s house.

287. Unknown person, in November of 1993 was shot and then

burnt in Meri Anastasiadi’s house together with 13 neighbors hiding

in Meri’s house.

288. Unknown person, in November of 1993 was shot and then

burnt in Meri Anastasiadi’s house together with 13 neighbors hiding

in Meri’s house

289. Unknown person, in November of 1993 was shot and then

burnt in Meri Anastasiadi’s house together with 13 neighbors hiding

in Meri’s house.

290. Unknown person, in November of 1993 was shot and then

burnt in Meri Anastasiadi’s house together with 13 neighbors hiding

in Meri’s house.

291. Unknown person, in November of 1993 was shot and then

burnt in Meri Anastasiadi’s house together with 13 neighbors hiding

in Meri’s house.

292. Unknown person, in November of 1993 was shot and then

burnt in Meri Anastasiadi’s house together with 13 neighbors hiding

in Meri’s house.

293. Unknown person,in November of 1993 was shot and then

burnt in Meri Anastasiadi’s house together with 13 neighbors hiding

in Meri’s house.

294. Unknown person, in November of 1993 was shot and then

burnt in Meri Anastasiadi’s house together with 13 neighbors hiding

in Meri’s house.







Village Qvemo Eshera (1993)

Residents of the village (47 persons, Age: from 17 to 70)

Out of 47 persons 6 were tortured to death through burning

alive, burying alive, 1 person was humiliated, then his limbs

were cut into pieces, his nose cut off, his nails and gold teeth

pulled out, then he was dug into the ground till his neck and

shot in the head from the machine gun. Others were shot.

295. Abashmadze Dimitri Vladimeris dze, 75 years old, was

burnt alive in his own house together with his wife Natela Dikhamindjia - Abashmadze.

296. Akhalaia Luba, was shot on the 2nd of February of 1993.

297. Bendeliani Dimitri, was shot together with his neighbors

(altogether 15 Georgians) on the 14th of October of 1993.

298. Berulava Otar Matveis dze, was shot together with his son


299. Berulava Tamaz Otaris dze, was shot together with his

Father Otar.

300. Berulava Shota, was burnt alive.

301. Chkhetiani Jujuna, 59 years old, was killed in her own

house, after being humiliated and tortured.

302. Chkhetiani Sograt, was shot.

303. Chkhonia Jemal Ivanes dze, 45 years old,was shot on the

19th of April of 1993.

304. Demertadze (Aliosha) Zaur amberkos Dze, 51 years old,

was shot on the 14th of October of 1992 together with his neighbors

(altogether 15 Georgians)

305. Dikhaminjia – Abashmadze Natela, 70 years old, was

burnt alive in her own house together with her husband Dimitri


306. Djobava Zoia, was killed after being humiliated and tortured in December of 1992.

307. Dudenko Nikoloz (Nikola), was shot.

308. Ebanoidze Vitali, was shot together with his neighbors (altogether 15 Georgians) on the 14th of October of 1992.

309. Gogua Djener Ivanes dze, 43 years old, was shot at the

building of the factory “ Sokumxelsatskho” together with his sons –

Paata and Mamuka.

310. Gogua Malkhaz Djeneris dze, was shot.

311. Gogua Mamuka Djeneris dze, 18 years old, was shot at

the building of the factory “ Sokumxelsatskho” together with his Fa-


ther Djeneri and brother – Paata.

312. Gogua Paata Djeneris dze, 17 years old, was shot at the

building of the factory “ Sokumxelsatskho” together with his Father

Djeneri and brother – Mamuka.

313. Gamsakhurdia Tamara, was shot in February of 1993.

314. Gamsakhurdia Tina, was shot in February of 1993.

315. Gorgodze Aliosha (Alius) Givis dze, 41 years old, was

shot together with his neighbors (altogether 15 persons) on the 14th

of October of 1992.

316. Khaburzania Giorgi (Zhora) Petres dze, 64 years old, was

shot on the 31st of December of 1993.

317. Khaburzania Vakhtang Ermiles dze, was killed in October

of 1993.

318. Khaburzania Zina Ivanes asuli, was shot in December of 1992.

319. Kuprava Tsiala, pedagogue of the Eshera secondary

school, was shot.

320. Managadze Davit, was shot together with his neighbors

(altogether 15 Georgians) on the 14th of October of 1992.

321. Metreveli Shota Valikos dze, Elevator worker, was tortured

to death – he was forced to dig up his grave and then was buried alive.

322. Minadze Dato Dushikos dze, 30 years old, was killed after

being humiliated and tortured in September of 1993.

323. Minadze Dushiko, was shot and then burnt in December

of 1992.

324. Mskhvelidze Levan Teodores dze, 55 years old, was shot in 1992.

325. Nachkhebia Soso, was shot.

326. Qachibaia Guram, was shot together with his Mother Tamara and neighbors (altogether 15 Georgians).

327. Qachibaia Tamara, was shot together with her son Guram

and neighbors (altogether 15 persons) on the 14th of october of 1992.

328. Rudenko Nikoloz Giorgis dze, 47 years old, was killed in

January of 1996.

329. Shonia Demur, was killed in August of 1992.

330. Shonia Ghughuni, 63 years old, was shot.

331. Shonia Sergo, 72 years old, was shot in November of 1992.

332. Ugrekhelidze Edisher Dasos dze, 44 years old, was killed

after being humiliated and tortured – his limbs were cut into pieces, his

nose cut off, his nails and gold teeth pulled out, then he was dug into

the ground till his neck and shot in the head from the machine gun.

333. Ugrekhelidze Khuta, was shot together with his neighbors

(altogether 15 Georgians) on the 14th of October of 1992.

334. Uknown, was shot in Dimitri Bendeliani’s house together


with 14 neighbors (Georgians).

335. Uknown, was shot in Dimitri Bendeliani’s house together

with 14 neighbors (Georgians).

336. Uknown, was shot in Dimitri Bendeliani’s house together

with 14 neighbors (Georgians).

337. Uknown, was shot in Dimitri Bendeliani’s house together

with 14 neighbors (Georgians).

338. Uknown, was shot in Dimitri Bendeliani’s house together

with 14 neighbors (Georgians).

339. Uknown, was shot in Dimitri Bendeliani’s house together

with 14 neighbors (Georgians).

340. Uknown, was shot in Dimitri Bendeliani’s house together

with 14 neighbors (Georgians).

341. Uknown, was shot in Dimitri Bendeliani’s house together

with 14 neighbors (Georgians).





Village Pavlovka

1 person, Age: 80

Died in bombing

342. Rekhviashvili Galina Iosebis asuli, 80 years old, resident of the village Pavlovka, was killed in bombing of the village.





Village Shroma (1993)

Residents of the village (36 persons, Age: from 20 to 90)

Out of 36 persons 4 were tortured to death through burning

alive, 5 persons died in bombing of the village, others were

shot and killed, among them 1 person was disabled.

343. Anua Yuri (M) - 58 year sold, (of Abkhazian nationality),

was shot after being cruelly tortured on the 5th of July of 1993.

344. Andjaparidze Shura (F) - 50 years old, was shot together

with her brother Valerian on the 29th of September of 1993.

345. Andjaparidze Valerian (M) - 65 years old, was shot together with Shura Andjaparidze on the 29th of September of 1993.

346. Aqubardia Gede (M) - 63 years old, was killed in bombing

of the village on the 3rd of July of 1993.

347. Chanturia Tariel (M) - 62 years old, was shot in September

of 1993.

348. Chanturia Tariel (M) - 68 years old, was shot on the 6th of


October of 1993.

349. Chkadua Rita (F) - 35 years old, was killed in bombing of

the village on the 17th of August of 1992.

350. Chanturia Zuri (M) - was shot.

351. Chkhetiani Chachu (F) - was shot on the 10th of July of 1993.

352. Chkhetiani Indiko (M) - 68 years old, was taken hostage

and shot together with his fellow villagers on the 5th of July of 1993.

353. Dgebuadze Djemal (M) - was shot.

354. Gadilia Anton (M) - 75 years old, was killed in bombing of

the village on the 3rd of July of 1993.

355. Gadelia Djambul (M) - 20 years old, was shot on the 9th of

July of 1993.

356. Gadelia Bichiko (M) - 52 years old, was shot on the 9th of

July of 1993.

357. Gadelia Otar (M) - 54 years old, a disabled, paralized person, bedridden, was shot in his bed on the 29th of September of 1993.

358. Gadelia Lena Egnates (F) - 83 years old, was shot together

with her fellow villagers in September of 1993.

359. Gadelia Shushu Konstantines (F) - 78 years old, was shot

in September of 1993.

360. Gordulova Olga Gados (F) - 73 years old, was burnt alive

in her own house on the 10th of July of 1993.

361. Ians Pavle (M) - was tortured to death.

362. Kankia (Wife of Razhden) (F) - 85 years old, was burnt

alive in her own house.

363. Managadze Guladi (M) - 37 years old, was shot.

364. Parulava Kako (M) - 55 years old, was killed in bombing of

the village.

365. Parulava Khikhu (M) - 45 years old, died crossing the

Sakeni Pass while forcedely leaving Abkhazia in October of 1993.

366. Parulava Vladimer (M) - 43 years old, died crossing the

Sakeni Pass in October of 1993.

367. Patsatsia Akaki (M) - 75 years old, died crossing the Sakeni Pass whle forcedely leaving Abkhazia in October of 1993.

368. Qardava Arshako (M) - 71 years old, died crossing the

Svaneti Pass while forcedely leaving Abkhazia in October of 1993.

369. Qardava Guduli (M) - 67 years old, was shot during taking

of the village.

370. Qardava Ghughuni (M) - was killed in bombing of the village in July of 1993.

371. Qardava Lena (F) - 43 years old,was shot after being gang-raped.

372. Qardava Mina (F) - was shot.


373. Qardava Mushni (Mushani) (M) - was shot.

374. Qardava Gogi (M) - was shot in October im 1993.

375. Qavtaradze Shushu (F) - 80 years old, was burnt alive in

her own house in July of 1993.

376. Rukhaia Shota (M) - 75 years old, was killed in bombing of

the village on the 7th of July of 1993.

377. Shonia Ghughuni (M) - was shot.

378. Tsaava Dusha (F) - 90 years old, was burnt alive in her own






Village Tavisupleba (1993)

Residents of the village (26 persons, Age:from 28 to 86)

Out of 26 persons 4 were tortured to death through burning alive and hanging, 3 persons died in bombing of the village, 1 person died in a helicopeter crash, others were shot.

Among the shot persons 1 person is disabled.

379. Baramia Akaki Elizbaris (M) - was burnt alive.

380. Chichua Tatachi (M) - 56 years old, was killed in the helicopter

crash being put down at the village Tamish on the 7th of July of 1993.

381. Davitiani Razmik (M) - (of Armenian nationality), was burnt alive

for burying the dead Georgian soldier on the 28th of September of 1993.

382. Davitiani Robik (M) - was shot on the 29th of September of 1993.

383. Jimsheleishvili Babutsa (F) - was tortured to death – she

was hanged over the well and then thrown into it.

384. Jimsheleishvili Varlam (M) - was tortured to death - he

was hanged over the well and then thrown into it.

385. Gogua Grisha (M) - was shot on the 28th of September of 1993.

386. Giorbelidze Avtandil (M) - was shot.

387. Giorbelidze Averion (M) - 52 years old, was shot in the village centre on the 28th of September of 1993.

388. Kalandia Lida (F) - 86 years old, was shot on the 17th of

September of 1993.

389. Kekelia Zina (F) - was shot in October of 1993.

390. Khanchaliani (M) (of Armenian nationality), 25 years old,

was shot together with his father.

391. Khanchaliani (M) (of Armenian nationality), 55 years old,

was shot together with his disabled son.

392. Kikaleishvili Kika (M) - was shot on the 29th of September

of 1993.

393. Narishmelashvili Sergo (M) - was shot.


394. Pkhakadze Shalva (M) - was shot.

395. Qardava Tengiz (M) - 30 years old, was shot on the 16th of

September of 1993.

396. Shurghaia Nazi (F) - was shot.

397. Sulaberidze Lili (F) - was killed in bombing of the village.

398.Sulaberidze Potola (F) - was killed in bombing fo the village.

399. Sulaberidze Vediko (M) - was killed in bombing of the village.

400. Svanidze Lavrenti (M) - was shot on the 29th of September of 1993.

401. Svanidze Nina (F) - was shot on the 28th of September of 1993.

402. Tadumadze Shalva (Shota), (M) - was shot in October of 1993.

403. Tsaava Lusia (F) - was shot.

404. Tsaava Maguli (F) - was shot in October of 1993.





Village Volodarovka (1993)

Residents of the village (8 persons, Age: from 27 to 65)

Out of 8 persons 1 person was humiliated and tortured to

death through decapitation, others were shot.

405. Beria Jemal (M) - 29 years old, resident of the village Volodarovka, was shot together with his Father Otar (Bocho) Mother Neli,

brother Tmeur and aunt Putsa on the 29th fo September of 1993.

406. Beria Neli Beglaris (F) - 58 years old, resident of the village

Volodarovka, was shot together with her husband Otar (Bocho), her

sons –Jemal and Temur and sister- in –law Putsa on the 29th of September of 1993. .

407. Beria Otar (Bocho) (M) - 60 years old, resident of the village Volodarovka, was shot together with his wife Neli, sons Jemal

and Temur and sister – Putsa on the 29th of September of 1993.

408. Beria Otar (M) - 58 years old, resident of the village Voldoarovka, was shot on the 29th of September of 1993.

409. Beria Putsa (F) - 45 years old, resident of the village Volodarovka, was shot together with his brother - Otar (Bocho), sister- in –law

– Neli, nephews Temur and Jemal on the 29th of September of 1993.

410. Beria Temur (M) - 27 years old, resident of the village Volodarovka, was shot together with his Father Otar (Bocho), Mother Neli,

brother Jemal and aunt Putsa on the 29th of September of 1993.

411. Beria Tamara (F) - 65 years old, resident of the village Volodarovka, was shot on the 29th of September of 1993.

412. Berulava Otar (M) 54 years old, resident of the village Volodarovka, was humiliated and tortured to death - he was beheaded.

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