Statement of the Supreme Council of A/R of Abkhazia regarding five year from the “recognition of independence” of Abkhazia, Georgia by the Russian Federation from 26 August, 2008


In August 2008 Russian federation has carried out a large scale military aggression against Georgia and has cynically and shamelessly formulated it as a peace enforcing operation. Aggression has been in preparation by Russia for years.  It aimed at: occupation of two Georgian historical regions, namely the cradles of Georgian civilization - Abkhazia and Tskhinvali region, so called South Ossetia; exclusion from the mentioned Georgian territories a largest part of local population; transformation these territories into Russian military bases; destruction of Georgia’s growing economy and military potential and through all of these gaining the privilege over West on geopolitically important South Caucasian region. Russian aggression has threatened not only Georgia, but also regional and global security, international law and order. This caused European Union’s and other international organizations’ prompt reaction to the aggression that helped to stop active hostilities. Nevertheless, up to this date the aggressor refuses to fulfill its duties undertaken by Medvedev-Sarkozy document on returning  military forces  to the places of their pre-war dislocation. Moreover, on 26th of August 2008 infringing the principles of international law, Russia has recognized the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, the largest part of population of which has been dislocated (about half a million people). At the same time, with the consent of local separatist puppet regimes a solid Russian military contingent has been located in both regions. With this the act of occupation ended.


Russian aggression in 2008 damaged Georgia heavily. First of all, the aggression has caused a deep humanitarian crises. Recognition of independence of Abkhazia by Russia has destined ¾ of the multi-ethnic population of autonomous republic for permanent persecution; under huge threat for their lives, a certain part of that people returned to the region of Gali, living there for the rights of slaves. In occupied Abkhazia substantial human political and economic rights, even the right to life, are grossly violated. It is hard to believe but in the XXI century people are forbidden to study or chant on their mother tongue. Artificially created wires that are enforced by Russian tanks, hinder the families from reuniting. The property of the refugee society has been consciously and purposefully estimated and sold out that totally disregards the resolution passed by the United Nations annually with respect to the IDPs from Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Crime is rampant in the occupied Abkhazia as well as the scales of trafficking and drug addiction are terrific. Natural resources and the unique eco-system of Abkhazia are being destroyed; the ancient monuments of Georgian culture are in danger. In an effort to hide these and other inhuman acts, Russian Federation opposes the entrance of international monitors to the occupied territories. Russia tries to legalize internationally de-facto regime in Abkhazia, which is guilty in the deaths of thousands of innocent children, women and elderly people. To say shortly, Russia strives to prepare grounds for the international recognition of the independence of the occupied territories. Kremlin politicians cynically claim that it is necessary to be done in order to save abkhazian and ossetian population, despite the fact that thanks  to  its aggressive policy in Abkhazia and Tskhinvali region, Russia has victimized at least three times more local people than aforementioned “saved” population  altogether.


Fortunately, Kremlin propaganda did not achieve its goal. As it could be predicted Russia is practically the only country that has recognized the independence of occupied territories. European, Asian, African and Latin American states, even the closest allies of Russian Federation from the former USSR have not supported Russia on this issue. They understand better than anyone that recognition of the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia would be equal to the participation both in the criminal aggression of Russia and in the misfortune of half of million people. Such a principle position in relation to ally Russia that saved the unity of Georgia, could only be expressed by the honorable leaders of dignified people.


The recognition of independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia by Nicaragua, Venezuela, and two pacific island-states of Nauru and Tuvalu, with the promises of economic benefits or open bribes to them, could not be regarded as a diplomatic success of Kremlin. No other civilized states, no other prominent politicians have made and, we do believe, will never make such illegal and at the same time disgraceful step as the recognition of the occupied territories of Georgia. Today as a result of mass ethnic cleansing these territories are under the bloody governance of puppet regimes. We do hope that freedom-loving people of Nicaragua and Venezuela that are the bearers of an enormous cultural heritage, their governments and also the less known for us but very interesting countries like Nauru and Tuvalu will refuse from the participation in Russia’s occupation of Georgia and will take back the recognition of Georgian territories. Such a courageous and reasonable step won’t hinder their friendly relationships with Russia. At the same time they will relieve of responsibility for exile of hundred thousands of people from their homes.


The Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia expresses its optimism that eventually Russia whose long-term strategic interests are not in line to encourage and to support separatism as well as to be in confrontation with Georgia, will meet the persistent demands of the most eligible international organizations concerning de-occupation of Georgia and refusal from the recognition of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. We do hope that Russia will take into consideration a strong desire and efforts of the new Georgian government aimed at the settlement of relations with Russia and peaceful resolution of conflicts.


Georgians are not the only victims of Russian occupation. Many abkhazians and ossetians gradually realize that Russia’s recognition of “independence” of Abkhazia and South Ossetia is only an implicit form of “creeping” annexation of these territories. Such Kremlin policy is supposed to cause a very deplorable consequences that finally could be resulted in the nearest future in devolution of abkhazian and ossetian ethnik groups. Georgians and abkhazians only altogether can find the way out of this extremely dangerous and stalemate situation. Honestly speaking, at present stage due to many reasons it is hard to achieve such unity; it seems even impossible today but it is inevitable in the nearest future. There is no other way for salvation. Our Supreme Council, that was elected in Abkhazia and represents the will of the majority of its multiethnic population, will do everything in its power to support the reconciliation process between georgians and abkhazians in order to eliminate the destructive results of the war that was imposed on both sides. However, given the circumstances of Russian occupation we do understand the difficulties of this issue.


Despite a huge problems Georgia is firmly standing on the only one sound platform that is the peaceful resolution of conflicts. On 23 November 2010, Georgia unilaterally took the obligation of the non-use of force and non-resumption of fire that means that Georgia will use only political and diplomatic methods in order to solve the issue of its territorial integrity. We do believe that  for the success of peace policy and in order to avoid humanitarian catastrophe, the occupation forces are suggested to be withdrawn from Abkhazia in a short period of time and an effective  international peacekeeping operation will be carried out that is necessary for ensuring the return of refugees and IDPs to their homes. Only after such steps the window of opportunity will be open for the full-scale and equitable resolution of conflicts including the solution of the political status of Abkhazia in accordance with the international law, the positive world practice, the Constitution of Georgia and existing reality.


The chairman of The Supreme Council of the

Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia

Elguja Gvazava

Tbilisi, Georgia


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